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Sam Dastyari unleashes with Michelle Grattan in Canberra’s Muse wine bar and bookstore.

Politics podcast: Sam Dastyari unleashed

Sam Dastyari Unleashed
In The Conversation's first live podcast, Sam Dastyari gives a candid insight into Labor's strategy to win back government, the threat of the Greens and much more.
Therapy, drugs or exercise? The depression treatment journey can be difficult to navigate. Eduardo Millo/Flickr

You’ve been diagnosed with depression, now what?

So you’re depressed. You know this because a health profession has told you so, or because there is no mistaking the symptoms. Perhaps you’ve been depressed before. What now?
Play your part in reducing online piracy: a campaign by the IP Awareness Foundation. Screengrab/IP Awareness Foundation

Why the drop in illegal movie downloads in Australia?

A welcome fall in the number of people in Australia who admit to pirating movies and television shows. But what’s the cause off this shift in online behaviour?
The recall is a democratic tool for active citizen participation and intervention. United Nations Photo/flickr

Flipped elections: can recalls improve democracy?

The recall is an ancient electoral procedure that has gained support in recent decades as a means for voters to defend the democratic state against extremism and serious abuses of power.
From Afar on a Hill seeks to dispel misconceptions around the numbers, circumstances, motivations and the actual mechanisms for acceptance of asylum seekers in Australia. Company Upstairs

Too close for comfort: contemplating the plight of asylum seekers in From Afar on a Hill

From Afar on a Hill is an immersive theatre work that provides insight into the lived experience of asylum seekers and lays bare the arbitrariness of Australia’s immigration policies.
Whatever the terms agreed by the 12 trade ministers who signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the text is unlikely to include the word ‘democracy’. Reuters/USTR Office

Why democracy is the unspoken issue in America’s TPP agenda

Why has the United States, the great engine of democratisation, advanced a pact that is silent on a defining theme of its foreign policy?
Every year thousands of students read George Orwell’s 1984 and are doubtless convinced that its perspective on language and power is “definitive”. Except that it’s not; and hasn’t been since at least the 1970s. Manuel Harlan/Melbourne Festival

Goodbye to all that: Orwell’s 1984 is a boot stamping on a human face no more

Many still regard George Orwell’s 1984 and its message about the nature of language and power “definitive”. But globalisation has revolutionised how we communicate; 1984 tells us nothing about our future.
A new study examines the responses of Australian authors, publishers and readers to global changes in the contemporary publishing environment.

How to read the Australian book industry in a time of change

A study into the responses of Australian authors, publishers and readers to global changes in the contemporary publishing environment suggests authors are being innovative, but financial rewards can be elusive.
Why should astronomy be different from any other field when it comes to sexual harassment? Flickr/PROnate

Change is possible when sexual harassment is exposed

The reaction has been swift since a high-profile astronomer’s legacy of sexual harassment against his students was exposed.