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Australia’s Volkswagen subsidiary has come in for criticism for its handling of the crisis. Arnd Wiegmann/Reuters

Volkswagen fallout shows how not to manage a crisis

Volkswagen’s command and control approach has not helped its global response to the emissions scandal, with Australian customers left waiting for more than two weeks.
A change in minister needs to mean a change in tack with regard to higher education. Sam Mooy/AAP

Four things the new minister should do on higher education

Higher education policy development should involve learning from the Abbott government’s mistakes and other counties where university reform has been successfully achieved.
The niche television market is now the place to be. Fred Mantel/

New rules for a new generation of television producers

Mass media is on its way out, and the pursuit and influence of niche audiences has fundamentally reshaped everything from the music industry to publishing. Now it’s reshaping television.
Magda Szubanski in one of her most famous roles - Sharon Strzelecki - in Kath and Kim, with actors Gina Riley, Peter Rowsthorn, Glenn Robbins and Jane Turner. Paul Jeffers/AAP

Magda Szubanski’s Reckoning: A Memoir

Magda Szubanski’s engaging debut memoir, Reckoning, is an exercise in precisely that: reconciling the past. It is also a celebration of the life and career of one of our greatest comedians.
Australia needs agreements like the TPP to counter protectionism. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Ratifying the TPP may be tough, but Australia needs it

The Trans-Pacific Partnership may not be a done deal, but Australia cannot avoid the realities of the cut-throat business of international capital, trade and investment.
Fanfiction: all it takes is to imagine a story beyond the canonical work. Kristina Alexanderson/flickr

Explainer: what is fanfiction?

Fanfiction is nebulous, confusing and often mocked. It’s also explosively popular. So what is it?
Trichotillomania is a psychological disorder that leads people to compulsively and uncontrollably pull out their own hair. Cavale Doom/Flickr

Pulling out your hair in frustration? What you need to know about trichotillomania

People with trichotillomania often pull to the point of causing complete hair loss even though that’s never intended or desired. And this eventually leaves them feeling depressed and isolated.
The new Trans-Pacific trade deal has its sights squarely on financial services. Image sourced from

Growing our services industry will be the main gain from the TPP

Trade minister Andrew Robb must now “sell” the benefits of the Trans-Pacific Partnership - he could do worse than to concentrate on how our services sector will gain.
This common lionfish (Pterois volitans) was sighted more than 200km further south than expected down the NSW coast by 14-year-old scuba diver Georgia Poyner. It’s one of almost 40 verified observations she has submitted to Redmap. Redmap/Georgia Poyner

How you can help scientists track how marine life reacts to climate change

We know the warming seas are forcing some marine life to new waters, but we don’t know much about how fast and how far they are moving. But now you can help scientists find the answers with Redmap.
Halls, dormitories, or staying at home with the parents: the university experience is different all over the world. from

The campus experience is changing all over the world

With advances in technology and changes in the demographics of people attending university, the campus experience is changing.