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Art is all around us, all the time. Where does it come from? It’s just ‘there’ … Adelaide's Follow the White Rabbit, an Alice in Wonderland inspired exhibition in January. AAP Image/NEWZULU/Sam Talbot

Senate Inquiry into arts funding: Testimony and Truth in South Australia

The Senate Inquiry into the 2015-16 arts budget cuts continued in Adelaide last week. If nothing else, it provided a timely reminder that art - and the lives of artists - matter.
Coding: it’s just another language to learn at school. Flickrabg_colegio

Want your kids to learn another language? Teach them code

Computer coding should be thought of as teaching children another language. If they get the basics right at an early age, who knows where their new-found language skills can take them.
Labor’s Terri Butler is co-sponsoring a bill to make acts of ‘revenge porn’ a federal crime. AAP/Mick Tsikas

How making ‘revenge porn’ a federal crime would combat its rise

The internet, smartphones and social media mean that extensive sharing of private images without consent is far easier than in the past. And the severity of the harm victims suffer is far greater.
Why do forests fires rage every year in Indonesia? Some people benefit from the business of fire, enjoying profits and economic rents at the expense of environmental quality. EPA/Adi Weda

Playing with fire: the economics and network of fire and haze

Scientists and policymakers - aware of the extreme dry season of El Nino - have warned of fires in Indonesia months in advance. Why then, do fires continue to blaze and what is being done about it?
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced the winners and losers of his ministerial reshuffle. Lukas Coch/AAP

Turnbull unveils cabinet line-up: experts respond

What are the key challenges for ministers entering new portfolios in Malcolm Turnbull’s first cabinet? The Conversation asked experts in key policy areas to respond.
In 2010 Malcolm Turnbull threatened to cross the floor to vote for emissions trading. Polls suggest the public would back him now, even if his party won’t. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

If he wants to win an election, Turnbull should go back to his old self on climate

In backing Abbott’s existing climate policy, Malcolm Turnbull looks like appeasing his party. But his prospects would be better served by appealing to voters who are anxious for strong climate action.