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Prime Minister Tony Abbott has suggested Australia has been true to its emissions reduction commitments but that other countries have not. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

FactCheck: has Australia met its climate goals, while other nations make ‘airy-fairy promises’?

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has described other countries’ emissions reduction targets as “airy-fairy promises that never come to anything.” How does that statement stack up against the evidence?
Increased oil and gas revenues amid lifted sanctions are set to raise Iran’s economic fortunes, which ease Middle Eastern tensions. EPA/Abedin Taherkenareh/AAP Image

Energy and economic diplomacy can trump the nuclear ‘threat’ of the Iran deal

Opponents of the Iran nuclear deal say it raises the nuclear weapons threat in the region. But Middle East tensions are actually likely to ease as Iran grows richer without being shackled by sanctions.
One of the most detailed images of Pluto captured by New Horizons just before it’s closest approach to the dwarf planet. NASA/APL/SwRI

Beyond Pluto: New Horizons’ mission is not over yet

Now the flypast of Pluto is over the space probe New Horizons will begin sending the data back to Earth. It will take many months but what will it reveal about the dwarf planet?
Anyone who thought Go Set a Watchman would solve the ‘delicious mystery’ of Harper Lee was dreaming. Akki annant

The third book – Harper Lee may indeed have another ace up her sleeve

Talk of a possible third book to follow this week’s release of Go Set a Watchman suggests the ‘delicious mystery’ of Harper Lee will continue for years to come. So what basis is there for the rumours?
Indonesia is turning to homegrown cattle for its beef needs, and cutting its Australian live imports. EPA/Hotli Simanjuntak/AAP Image

Lean times ahead for Australian cattle as Indonesia turns to domestic farming

Indonesia’s shock decision to cut imports of Australian beef signals two things: Indonesia’s desire to focus on domestic cattle farming, and Australia’s lack of alternative options for exporting its own herd.
Australia and Singapore’s new comprehensive strategic partnership is not seen as harmful for neighbouring countries such as Indonesia. EPA/Wallace Woon

Australia-Singapore strategic partnership: the view from Indonesia

Australia and Singapore recently signed a comprehensive strategic partnership on the 50th anniversary of their relationship. How would the new partnership affect Indonesia?
The new Australian Border Force conforms to the national security paradigm of combining maximum power with maximum secrecy. AAP/Lukas Coch

The Australian Border Force puts the final nail in transparency’s coffin

The Australian Border Force is the culmination of the move towards militarised border security. This commenced in earnest with the introduction of Operation Sovereign Borders in September 2013.
The classic lecture theatre hasn’t changed much over the centuries. Justin Kern/Flickr

Let’s not abandon the humble lecture quite yet

Lectures are being abandoned in favour of “flipped” classes, with lots of short videos and quizzes. But the lecture format has merits that shouldn’t be overlooked.
Studies based on Mediterranean diet, combined with exercise, have proved groundbreaking in managing type 2 diabetes. from

How the right diet can control diabetes and reduce its massive economic costs

For decades, a low fat and sugar free diet were key to controlling type 2 diabetes. Now, new data shows a diet high in protein and healthy fats has better outcomes for the disease.
The many people who are mourning the loss of Phil Walsh should also reflect on what we as a society can do to help families avoid such tragedies. AAP/Ben Macmahon

When a parent is killed: family tragedy is often a mark of our broader failings

The killing of Phil Walsh is a tragedy for his family and the football community. It should also lead us to question whether we do enough to support families before the issues they face spiral out of control.
Cattle on the Liverpool Plains in New South Wales. The new coal mine is to be developed in the hills nearby. Image Library/Flickr

Shenhua mine: the federal government could have chosen farming over coal

Federal environment minister Greg Hunt has claimed that he had no choice but to approve Shenhua’s controversial Watermark Coal Mine near Gunnedah in New South Wales. But the legislation suggests otherwise.