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Critics may sneer but pro-wrestling is a highly theatrical form. Tracy Nearmy/AAP

RAW theatre: pro-wrestling belongs on the arts pages

A bawdy, sexist, overblown spectacle that celebrates a particularly regressive form of masculinity? The same might be said of a good deal of theatre – not to mention culture generally.
Smokers respond to more filtered or more diluted cigarettes by taking bigger puffs and more of them. Pe3k/F/Shutterstock

Next step for tobacco control? Make cigarettes less palatable

Past tobacco control measures have changed the pack, while the cigarettes inside remain the same. A logical next step is to regulate how companies engineer cigarettes to promote their use.
Historically, governments that have chosen default have experienced a much higher risk of losing political office. AAP/Simela Pantzartzi

If Greece defaults, dominoes will not fall

A possible “Grexit” would be more likely to lower rather than raise the political incentives for other European governments to follow.
Antony and the Johnsons fit perfectly within the world of Dark Mofo. Images courtesy of Dark Mofo

Antony and the Johnsons at Dark Mofo: uplifting, sombre, beautiful

Transgender artist Antony Hegarty has successfully used her notoriety to publicly address issues close to her, including transgender politics, ecological consciousness and indigenous spirituality.
South Australia’s proposed anti-bikie laws criminalise the wearing of anything that indicates association with a declared ‘criminal organisation’ on licensed premises. AAP/Eric Sands

Queensland holds lessons for states set to crack down on bikies

While South Australia’s proposed anti-bikie laws may be constitutional, there are clear reasons why introducing them is at best premature – and at worst a very bad idea.
Avoiding contact with people who have respiratory infections – and are coughing or sneezing – is the key to protection. Jina K/Shutterstock

Explainer: what is the MERS outbreak in South Korea?

Twelve years ago the world was threatened by an outbreak of a new coronavirus called SARS. MERS belongs to the same virus family and has killed 19 people in South Korea.
One of tens of thousands of homes and buildings blown over across Vanuatu by Cyclone Pam in March 2015. AAP Image/ Kris Paras

Rebuilding a safer and stronger Vanuatu after Cyclone Pam

One of the most hotly debated questions in Vanuatu has been about how communities can rebuild so that they are safer and more resilient to future cyclones. That’s not as simple as you might think.
The British have pulled out all stops to mark the anniversary of Waterloo. Michel van Reysen

Have a think before going to do that Waterloo that you do so well

The most spectacular of the Waterloo celebrations will be a massive re-enactment on the actual battle site, involving more than 5,000 re-enactors, including 300 horses and 100 canon. What’s that all about?
Electronic monitoring typically involves fitting offenders with tamper-proof bracelets to monitor whether they are abiding by conditions imposed on them. Flickr/Chris Yarzab

Electronic innovation can help fix an archaic, crowded prison system

The days of prison, an 18th-century industrial institution, as the justice system’s dominant form of punishment may be numbered. Electronic monitoring of offenders is one promising alternative.
People in Vanuatu were quick to make the most of the resources they had after Cyclone Pam hit their homes – including these boys, Manu and Leo, photographed a week after the cyclone at a school housing residents evacuated from Teouma. AAP/NEWZULU/Jeff Tan

100 days since Cyclone Pam, people across Vanuatu pause to reflect on loss and resilience

This Sunday marks 100 days since Cyclone Pam hit Vanuatu, with ceremonies in villages across the nation to mourn the 11 people who died. Meanwhile, islands left brown in the aftermath are green again.
Hepburn Wind in Victoria is Australia’s largest community renewable energy project. Hepburn Wind/Flickr

Communities are taking renewable power into their own hands

Australia, like much of the rest of the world, is in the midst of an energy transition, driven by falling demand and uptake of renewables. Community energy is one way we can mange this transition to the benefit of all Australians.
Prefabricated buildings don’t have to be dull. The challenge will be to get Australians to embrace them. Wendy Miller

Not just daggy dongas: time to embrace prefabricated buildings

Memories of school demountables might cause some people to sneer at prefabricated buildings. But they can be stylish too, not to mention offering a possible way to ease the housing affordability problem.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has thrown his support behind coal mining, arguing coal is ‘good for humanity’. Dan Peled/AAP

The facts on Australian coal production

Despite the divestment movement gaining ground, the share prices of our major coal miners suggest there’s still strong investor support.