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For certain members of the community, catching flu can lead to severe illness or death. Piotr Marcinski

The 2015 flu vaccine – what’s new, who should get it and why

It’s that time of year again when scientists and doctors make predictions about the impending flu season and we must decide whether to go out and get the flu vaccine.
Coal seam gas has proved a hot topic ahead of the NSW election, not only on the campaign trail but also on social media, where a ‘social mood reader’ can reveal the depth of community feeling. NewZulu/Tony Markham/AAP

Finding new ways to track voters’ moods, beyond polls and punters

Beyond polls and betting markets, how else can we gauge how people feel ahead of future elections? Social media is a goldmine, and one of the newer ways to tap into it is with a “social mood reader”.
Chief scientist of Australia Professor Ian Chubb during his address to the National Press Club in Canberra. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Aspiring to something magnificent with science in Australia

Science matters and is important for Australia’s future but there is evidence mounting that we are falling behind the rest of the world.
An emphasis on the ruins of the recent past places Zvyagintsev’s film within a very interesting genre of post-Soviet films. Palace Films

Leviathan: political thriller meets melodrama in Putin’s Russia

Andrey Zvyagintsev’s film Leviathan explores the ‘symphonia’ of church and state in Vladimir Putin’s Russia. In doing so it taps into a tradition in Soviet and post-Soviet cinema.
About 14% of intellectually gifted children also have a learning disability. Shutterstock

Intellectually gifted students often have learning disabilities

Mention the terms “intellectual giftedness” and “learning disability” and there is a general understanding of what each term means. However most people are unaware that in many circumstances the two can go hand in hand.
In the countdown to the March 28 New South Wales election, social media is a key battleground for persuading swinging voters. @lyon_brendan/Twitter

The marketing battle for NSW hearts and minds on privatisation

Given the history on privatisation in NSW, and facing a more emotionally powerful campaign, the Baird government is actually doing pretty well to be closing in on polling day in a winning position.
The Bellinger Snapping Turtle is under threat, and that bodes ill for the entire ecosystem. Copyright: Gary Bell/

Turtle extinction event bodes ill for our waterways

The Bellinger River Snapping Turtle is under threat of extinction, and it suggests something very wrong with the whole ecosystem.
‘It is difficult to convey the exhilaration that can be received from recognising elements of your own intimate life magnified on a cinema screen.’ Anatomy of a Love Seen screens at the Melbourne Queer Film Festival. MQFF

Give us better lesbians, please, and screens to watch them on

The curators of queer film festivals undertake a challenging task, assembling as best as possible a cinematic selection that reflects what is a very diverse community. Too often, lesbians are left out.
Is this image of destruction after Cyclone Pam a sign of things to come? Sgt Neil Bryden RAF, British Ministry of Defence/AAP

Explainer: are natural disasters on the rise?

Natural disasters are becoming more frequent, with more people with less money exposed to a greater number of hazards.
The challenge is to keep the cyber criminals locked out of systems. Flickr/Yuri Samoilov

The ongoing war against cybercrime

With cybercrime estimated to cost the global economy upwards of US$400 billion a year – and expected to rise – what are the challenges to beating the criminals?
Given Australia’s involvement in Iraq, Tony Abbott cannot dismiss human rights abuses by Iraqi security forces fighting Islamic State militants. AAP/PMO

Australia has an obligation to stop human rights abuses by Iraq

Australia has a clear obligation under international law to take action to stop abuses of human rights and international humanitarian law by the ISF and Shi’a militia.
Empire, currently screening on Channel Ten, is throwing stereotypes to the wind and presenting strong drama that is black, queer, and diverse. Channel Ten

In your face: Empire is proving diversity isn’t a dirty word

Empire, a TV drama about a black hip-hop star turned music mogul, is breaking new ground by foregrounding ‘risky’ issues around race, sexuality and class.
Archival photographs such as the above, from Gallipoli, are one resource documentary makers draw upon to communicate understandings of historical events. Australian War Memorial/Flickr

Who tells our stories? The first world war on the small screen

War history used to be brought to TV audiences by donnish lecturers but historical reconstructions now hold sway. Two recent docos about Gallipoli are hybrid examples of the form that help us better understand the past.
Electricity privatisation has delivered big nest eggs for various state governments – but the NSW government’s $A13 billion privatisation price tag risks being undermined by an election pledge and the recent UBS controversy. Dmitry Melnikov from

Electricity privatisation: has the NSW golden goose been plucked?

Electricity privatisations have been like golden geese, providing A$37 billion to Australian state governments since 1992. But the price for NSW’s privatisation risks being undercut by two key events.
By bringing together Arab political parties in the Joint List, Ayman Odeh has emerged as leader of the third-largest party in Israel. EPA/Atef Safadi

Arab parties emerge as electoral force in the Jewish state

The emergence of the Joint List as the third-largest party is evidence of both Israeli democracy and a growing awareness among the nation’s Arab citizens of their power to influence its direction.
Promises to build or upgrade public hospitals are made at every state election, while other issues are ignored. Sapol Chairatkaewcharoen/Shutterstock

The real health issues facing NSW, without the spin

What happens when you bring a state health minister face-to-face with her two main challengers, fronting a roomful of health experts, without any TV cameras to leap on any “gaffes” or stumbles?