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Pro-environmentalists: they’re actually pretty mainstream. Mardi Grass 2011

The lunatic environmental fringes: who are they?

It is a commonly expressed belief that pro-environmentalists are different from the majority of the population. The stereotype has them as more left wing politically, more activists and generally more…
Australia’s surf megabrands — once thriving cultural icons — are now facing a changing tide of fortunes. Andrew Warren

All washed up: have surf megabrands forgotten their roots?

Yesterday’s announcement that iconic brand Rip Curl plans to sell-up raises the question: just what has happened to Australia’s iconic surf brands? It has been well publicised that the big three surf labels…
Protests in Sydney over the “Innocence of Muslims” video in Sydney turned violent over the weekend. AAP/Lauren Farrow

Sydney riots: protests show pain, but a hint of progress

The couple of hundred young Muslims that streamed into Sydney city on the weekend amid violent clashes with police riot squad members offered a visually spectacular contrast to the nominal picture postcard…
Doctors are expected to be attuned to the latest developments in health care.

Man v mountain: how to overcome the evidence overload

Most doctors shudder at the sight of the growing mountain of unread medical journals gathering dust on their desks over months, if not years. They need not despair though, as there are less time-consuming…
A new parliamentary report has called for urgent action to protect Indigenous languages. Flickr/Rusty Stewart

The chance of a lifetime to save Indigenous languages

It is not often that the opportunity comes along to make a real difference, but a new report into Indigenous languages in Australia has the potential to do just that. Our Land, Our Languages has already…
Burdened by expectation: Barack Obama prepares to leave the White House aboard Marine One last weekend. EPA/Michael Reynolds

Obama or Romney? The choice of the 1%

On November 6, US voters will make a choice between two very different candidates with very different visions, policies and approaches. Well, that is the official version, at least. The reality is rather…
Had it come out five years ago, APRA’s consultation paper could have left taxpayers footing the bill for BankWest’s collapse in 2008. AAP

Protecting taxpayers from systemic risk should be at the heart of APRA changes

At first glance, a consultation paper released by Treasury last week aimed at strengthening the crisis management powers of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, could pass for a routine tidy-up…
Around 90% of ozone is located in the lower stratosphere (beginning at a height of between 10-16 km above the ground). Flickr/NASA Earth Observatory

Measuring the missing molecules: a history of overseeing ozone

SAVING THE OZONE: Part eight in our series exploring the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer – dubbed “the world’s most successful environmental agreement” – looks at how we measure…
Not asking critical diagnostic questions is one of the causes ofthe high prevalence rates for ADHD. Jeff Meyer

Moving the diagnostic goalposts: medicalising ADHD

OVER-DIAGNOSIS EPIDEMIC – Today, Rae Thomas looks at the growing prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Does your five-year-old have difficulty sustaining attention? What about organising…
Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan, pictured at the ALP state conference in Queensland on Sunday, finally have something to smile about.

ALP should ride the poll bump and leave the Greens alone

This week’s Newspoll and Age/Nielsen poll make interesting reading in the wake of last week’s debate over the relationship between the Labor and the Greens. According to Newspoll, support for Labor has…
A couple of contentious decisions on Friday night have thrust NRL referees into the spotlight. AAP Image/Action Photographics/Grant Trouville

Balls and emotional intelligence: NRL and AFL officials walk the line

Referees in need of coaching for “emotional intelligence”? Controversy over crucial line decisions in major matches? Criticism raining from the heavens? That’s right: it’s finals time in Australian sport…
We thought we’d set a safe limit on climate change - 450ppm CO2 - but it may be too high for most of the world’s reefs. Paul Toogood

Climate change guardrail too hot for coral reefs?

One of the ambitions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is galvanising the international community to avoid dangerous interference with Earth’s climate. To do this, it…
As high frequency trading and dark pools worry Australian regulators, can a market be too fluid? AAP

Could high frequency trading lead to our own ‘flash crash’?

The dangers of massive high frequency trading are becoming increasingly clear in equity markets. Greg Medcraft, the chairman of corporate regulator ASIC, confirmed to a Federal parliamentary committee…
There were disturbances in Sydney over the weekend in response to a movie portraying Muhammad. AAP/Louis Allen

Sydney riots: Muslim responses to provocation must be more considered

News of the movie “Innocence of Muslims” and the dissemination of its clips on YouTube have inflamed emotions across the Muslim world. It triggered a spate of violent demonstrations, including an attack…
Detail from Life Of Raymond Lull, 14th century print. The first computer scientist? Wikimedia Commons

20th century toy? Computing is a 13th century beast – at least

When did computers begin? When you look more closely at the question it dissolves into dust, almost literally, because people calculated with pebbles in the dust millennia ago. When you look at the origins…
Republican vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s speech to his party’s convention last month attracted heavy scrutiny from political ‘fact-checkers’. EPA/Justin Lane

The lost cause of American political fact-checkers

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. – Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Political fact checkers seem to perform a vital public service for American democracy. Websites such as…
Australians love shopping online: so retailers must get to grips with the concept. AAP

The great online shopping debate — how the locals can win

Australians are among the most enthusiastic online shoppers in the world. Our most recent survey, published in the CCi Digital Futures report, The Internet in Australia 2012, has found a quarter of Australian…
We are really just beginning to learn what’s gone wrong for native species like the Murray Cod. Biodiversity Heritage Library

Native fish - and recreational fishers - need native fish funding

The Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s Native Fish Strategy (NFS) is at serious risk of winding up, after NSW announced it is cutting its financial contributions. This is a serious blow to the conservation…
Reduced ozone means increased UV radiation, and that leads to skin cancer. Tracey Lawson

Saving the ozone layer saved human lives

SAVING THE OZONE: Part seven in our series exploring on the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer – dubbed “the world’s most successful environmental agreement” – explains how the…
Of all the teenagers with flu-like symptoms, GPs need to find the one with a lymphoma in his chest. Joey Yee

Over-diagnosis: the view from inside primary care

OVER-DIAGNOSIS EPIDEMIC - We kick off the second week of this series with Jenny Doust looking at some drivers of over-diagnosis in general practice. It’s easy to dismiss general practice as being about…
A Syrian woman in Turkey prays for those left behind. EPA/Tolga Bozoglu

Rape in Syria: a weapon of war or instrument of terror?

In Syria, rape is being used by armed groups as a means to an end. In this context, reports have emerged detailing the use of sexual violence by Syrian armed forces and paramilitaries loyal to Assad. Last…
What does the Armstrong case tell us about anti-doping regulation in sport? Jasper Juinen/EPA

Punishing doping athletes isn’t a long-term solution

There has been much discussion in recent weeks about Lance Armstrong, his legacy, and charges levelled by the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) that the Texan cyclist spearheaded a systematic doping…