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Julia Gillard needs to do more to impress in South Korea. AAP/Adam Gartrell

Beyond China: Australia and Asia’s northern democracies

AUSTRALIA IN THE ASIAN CENTURY – A series examining Australia’s role in the rapidly transforming Asian region. Delivered in partnership with the Australian government. Here, Dr Craig Mark - currently based…
Former prime ministers Gordon Brown and Kevin Rudd before the 2009 G20 summit.

Kissing cousins: what the ALP can learn from UK Labour

What are political parties for? Do they exist only to win elections or are they for the benefit of members with process as important as outcome? These are the fundamental questions that former British…
Tiny humans would consume less and emit less, but who’s ready to genetically engineer their kids? Dylan Luder

No modest proposal: bioengineering humans for global warming

You know the situation is getting desperate when three bio-ethicists propose genetically modifying humans to reduce our environmental impact. In a bizarre paper titled Human engineering and climate change…
It’s time for policymakers to address Australia’s poor record in attracting Chinese investment. AAP

Australia’s great, untapped resource … Chinese investment

AUSTRALIA IN THE ASIAN CENTURY – A series examining Australia’s role in the rapidly transforming Asian region. Delivered in partnership with the Australian government. Today, Dr James Laurenceson asks…
Two teams of psychiatric assessors have come to different conclusions about Breivik’s mental state. AAP

Mad or bad? Expert witnesses and the Anders Breivik trial

On July 22, 2011, Norwegian Anders Breivik killed 75 people, as a statement against Norway’s liberal immigration policies. He was a member of an extreme right wing group and a product of a dysfunctional…
Current strategies to increase the number of Australian trained medical graduates entering rural practice are not working. Paul Hocksenar

We need new ways to get more doctors into country practice

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) is urging the government to consider the establishment of new medical schools in rural and regional areas to boost the number of doctors in the countryside. The…
All eyes are now on Christine Milne to see if she is up to filling the void left by former leader Bob Brown. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Greens’ future is bright under Christine Milne

Bob Brown’s decision to resign as leader of the Greens last Friday marks a new and interesting phase in the evolution and development of the Australian Greens. Brown’s exit from the Senate in June inevitably…
New Greens leader Christine Milne should learn from Bob Brown’s charismatic leadership. AAP/Alan Porritt

Portrait of a charismatic leader: putting Bob Brown in context

Australia has a long record of charismatic political leaders and Bob Brown is perhaps the most notable recent example, but unlike other leaders of this style he has demonstrated remarkable political skill…
Is Australia ready to be one of Asia’s leading lights? NASA

Australia in the Asian Century

Today The Conversation, in partnership with the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, launches its latest series, Australia in the Asian Century. The series was commissioned to complement the Government’s…
Learning an Asian language will change how you think about the world. no_typographic_man

Want to get ahead this century? Learn an Asian language

AUSTRALIA IN THE ASIAN CENTURY – A series examining Australia’s role in the rapidly transforming Asian region. Delivered in partnership with the Australian government. Today, Dr Yuko Kinoshita looks at…
Medicines Australia’s code of conduct governs the promotion of prescription drugs and the relationship of industry to health professionals. LadyofProcrastination/Wikimedia Commons

Consumer input in Medicines Australia’s code of conduct review

TRANSPARENCY AND MEDICINE – A series examining issues from ethics to the evidence in evidence-based medicine, the influence of medical journals to the role of Big Pharma in our present and future health…
Children of fathers who show signs of depression in the year after birth have more than three times the rate of behavioural problems by the time they reach school. Mark Menzies

Helping mentally ill fathers for the sake of their children

The idea that mental illness can harm family relationships is not new. But it’s usually the mother’s parenting that has been the centre of attention. So an article I co-wrote in today’s issue of the Medical…
Another wave is coming: the coral-killing crown of thorns starfish. Flickr/<SLIM>

Great Barrier Reef dying beneath its crown of thorns

The Great Barrier Reef is under attack from a range of enemies including climate change effects (coral bleaching, increased severe storms, and ocean acidification), pollutant discharge from the land, coastal…
The Federal Government has fast-tracked applications by skilled US workers to fill trades gaps in Australia, citing the close relationship between the countries. But motives of employers pushing the scheme should examined critically. AAP

US workers get the nod … but what does this mean for the local workforce?

The Federal Government recently announced that it would use the 457 visa skilled migration program to fast-track the number of skilled workers applying from the United States. In defending this move, Federal…
(L-R) Intensive Care Chaplain Di Roche, Catholic Chaplain Father Jaison Kuzhiyil, Uniting Chaplain Julie Telfer feature in Hospital Chaplains. ABC TV

God of many faiths eludes some Hospital Chaplains

“No one laughs at God in a hospital”, chants popular Russian-American songwriter Regina Spektor. Her words come to mind as I preview the first episode of Hospital Chaplains, a new ABC series broadcasting…
President Obama addresses of the White House Forum on Women and the Economy on April 6 this year. EPA/Pete Marovich

Obama the only winner of the Republican ‘war on women’

When former Senator Rick Santorum dropped out of the Republican nomination contest earlier this week, the race for the presidency took a sharp turn toward the general election. For presumptive nominee…
Intellectually disabled children who undergo the “Ashley procedure” are stunted to prevent the onset of puberty. flickr/visions by vicky

Ashley’s treatment: the arrested development of a disabled child

A growing number of parents are seeking the “Ashley Treatment,” a highly experimental medical intervention designed to arrest the physical and sexual development of severely disabled children. This invasive…
ANU’s “big dish” solar is the envy of Asia, but the Australian Government has turned its back. AAP

Wake up Australia, and take a lesson on solar from Korea

I am here in Seoul, the burgeoning and confident capital of a burgeoning and confident Korea, to investigate the country’s formidable “Green Growth” strategy. Back in August 2008, the Korean government…
Thinking outside the box will help managers get the best out of their employees. swambo

Embracing the unknown is the key to tapping workplace talent

If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Therefore, managers need a formal, cascading set of KPIs (key performance indicators), KPTs (key performance targets), and annual performance reviews to keep…
Bob Brown’s resignation seemed to even surprise members of his own party. ABC News24

Bob Brown resigns: what next for the Greens?

In a surprise move, Senator Bob Brown has resigned as leader of the Australian Greens and has been replaced by his former deputy Christine Milne. Brown will step down from his Senate seat in June. He has…