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Reaping the benefits of the Asian Century starts with food security. Parker Michael Knight

How Australia can become Asia’s food bowl

AUSTRALIA IN THE ASIAN CENTURY – A series examining Australia’s role in the rapidly transforming Asian region. Delivered in partnership with the Australian government. Here, Dr Peter Batt looks at Australia’s…
Analysing Anzac speech, slang and reading material gives us a better understanding of their experience. EPA/Tolga Bozoglu

From ‘Aussies’ to ‘Whizz-bangs’: the language of Anzac

Many place the Anzac legend at the heart of the Australian national identity. But some have rightly challenged this idea, opening up debate about why the Anzac story is so central to our national mythology…
Pepper’s Ghost is an amazing technique, but holograms, done right, are so much cooler. kisokiso

Tupac’s rise from the dead was, sadly, not holography

Last week rapper Tupac Shakur performed at the Coachella music festival in California – a notable feat given he was shot dead in 1996. Tupac’s glowing image appeared on stage, rapping, dancing and interacting…
Autopsies and anatomical dissections are the only exceptions to the social prohibition against dismembering bodies. t magnum/Flickr

More than the sum of our parts: why dismemberment of the dead irks

Spiegel Online reported earlier this year that hundreds of human body parts had been found in a disused cellar of the University of Cologne’s Anatomy Institute. Apparently, irregularities of procedure…
The stoush involving Clive Palmer and the Football Federation of Australia mirrors the game’s earlier woes. AAP

Soccer in Australia: Is history repeating Itself?

Soccer in Australia occupies a paradoxical position in the Australian sporting landscape. It has the highest overall participant rates, yet is ranked fourth of the four football codes in popularity and…
Across Asia, climate change could cut agriculture in half by 2030. What will Australia do to help? Gabriele Quaglia

As Asia faces climate change upheaval, how will Australia respond?

AUSTRALIA IN THE ASIAN CENTURY – A series examining Australia’s role in the rapidly transforming Asian region. Delivered in partnership with the Australian government. Here, Dr Tim Stephens looks at how…

Protein could help treat bone and joint diseases

A protein with a bone-protective effect could help in the development of more powerful treatments for osteoporosis and other bone diseases, an international team of scientists has reported. The protein…
Coles has revamped its loyalty rewards program in an attempt to win over shoppers from Woolworths. AAP

Can Coles (Fly) buy shopper loyalty?

Consumers are becoming less loyal as they put more focus on getting the best possible deal, and become more willing to shop around to get it. In response, retailers have turned to loyalty programs in an…
Plans to transform Victoria’s Latrobe Valley into a mining export hub are misguided. AAP

A brown-coal export hub? Tell them they’re dreaming!

If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride. And if wishes were new technology, then Victoria’s Latrobe Valley would be a mining export hub to rival the Pilbara. But wishes are neither horses nor new…
The current environmental impact regulations often produce nothing more than a big pile of paper. liz west

Green tape reform - dangers but also opportunities

The last few weeks have seen an extraordinary cross party agreement that environmental regulation of development needs reform. The Prime Minister wants coordination with the states streamlined; the Leader…
‘Green tape’ is an emotive term that tries to make condemning environmental protection look like common sense. Bill Rogers

Spinning ‘green tape’ as the climate changes

With only inverted commas signalling the spin, the news media have happily re-cycled the term “green tape”, the latest rhetorical gambit by those decrying environmental protections as unnecessarily delaying…
Stationing US troops in Darwin does not align with our foreign policy interests. AAP/Xavier La Canna

Defence agreements with US harm Australia’s reputation in Asia

AUSTRALIA IN THE ASIAN CENTURY – A series examining Australia’s role in the rapidly transforming Asian region. Delivered in partnership with the Australian government. Today, Professor John Langmore argues…
Knowing where cosmic rays don’t come from brings scientists another step closer to determining their origin. NSF/J. Yang

An extragalactic mystery: where do high-energy cosmic rays come from?

It’s been the defining question of high-energy astrophysics for the past century: where do cosmic rays come from? New findings from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole have brought us closer…
Accusations against Peter Slipper have prompted him to step aside as speaker. AAP Image/Penny Bradfield

Slipper saga begs the question – do we need a speaker at all?

Speaker of the House of Representatives Peter Slipper has stepped aside following allegations of sexual harassment and the misuse of cab-charge vouchers. Slipper’s former adviser James Ashby accused the…
Viruses passed from animals to humans pose a risk in Asia and Australia. EPA/John Footy

Dealing with the threat of deadly viruses from Asia

AUSTRALIA IN THE ASIAN CENTURY – A series examining Australia’s role in the rapidly transforming Asian region. Delivered in partnership with the Australian government. Here, Professor Martyn Jeggo looks…
Facing tough questions: NSW’s planning review must grapple with competing visions of development. Flickr/Askew One

Under review: rival visions for people and communities

Later this year Brad Hazzard, NSW Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, faces a difficult decision. Will he prepare new state planning legislation that prioritises a desired outcome: healthy, functional…
The European Central Bank’s long-term refinancing operations have reduced acute liquidity problems in the banking sector, but the situation in the Eurozone remains fragile. AAP

The ECB’s long-term refinancing operations: a solution to the debt crisis, or doomed to fail?

In November 2011, the Eurozone crisis reached a climax with interest rates on sovereign debt of Eurozone problem debtors soaring. Fear of sovereign defaults spilled over into the interbank markets as Eurozone…
Is there a genuine rise in the appeal for sadomasochist behaviour among women in 2012? flickr/Jeremy Brook

Spank me silly: sadomasochism and the modern woman

The poster for Secretary is up on my wall at work. I actually paid to see A Dangerous Method purely for Jung’s novel approach to therapy (and God do I hate period films.) While I probably won’t read all…
Children with Specific Language Impairment have difficulties learning language for no discernible reason. runintherain/ Flickr

Autism’s hidden older brother – Specific Language Impairment

Language development is a truly remarkable phenomenon. But for a small number of kids, the words don’t come so easily. Most children acquire their first words around 12 months of age, start to string words…