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The Convergence review’s final recommendations have fallen short when it comes to Australian content. AAP/Dean Lewins

Convergence Review: missed opportunity with Australian content

The Convergence Review Final Report released yesterday appears at first blush to promise major changes to the Australian media landscape. The report flags the creation of a new communications regulator…
Publishing long-term interest rate projections can allow the Reserve Bank to operate with greater transparency. AAP

A route to greater transparency and independence for the RBA

Today, all eyes will be on the Reserve Bank amid speculation that the cash rate will be eased by at least 25 basis points. The RBA has often faced pressure from politicians and business leaders to reduce…
The different, contradictory and inconsistent policies on drug use control represent uneasy compromises driven by conflicting ideologies. West Midlands Police/Flickr

The war on drugs: which war … and what drugs?

The mantra “war against drugs” sounds great from a distance, but on closer inspection, it’s a misleading, sweeping generalisation. There are, in fact, many different, contradictory and inconsistent policies…
One of 13 children arrested in Sydney for being unsupervised and under the influence of drugs. AAP

Time for Plan B in the war on drugs

Most of the avalanche of publicity around Australia 21’s launch of their report on drugs was quite favourable. The report called for vigorous community debate but was careful to avoid recommending any…
You might feel crook after a flu vax but the injection itself can’t give you influenza. Nettsu

Monday’s medical myth: the flu vaccine will give you influenza

We hear it all the time: “I don’t want a flu vaccine. It gives you the flu.” The old, the young, and even health professionals make this claim. And it’s usually followed by a personal example like, “the…

Aqua nullius: the upper Murrumbidgee River

The proposed Murray-Darling Basin Plan has been one of the most controversial pieces of public policy in Australia’s recent history. There has been the predictable divide between irrigators calling for…
Russia is no stranger to ambitious space exploration – and has produced several notable firsts. Maxim Shipenkov/ EPA

Space Race reloaded: will Russia send cosmonauts to the moon?

For decades, the Soviet Union was a major player in the exploration of space, famously locking horns with the US in the “Space Race” – a competition for orbital supremacy and solar system exploration throughout…
Clive Palmer is routinely described as a mining magnate - but his wealth has been accumulated more from ballooning asset values on valuable tenements. AAP

Mining magnate, property tycoon - politician? Just who is Clive Palmer?

So how much is a modern mining magnate worth? Well it depends on what they really own. Consider Clive Palmer. After an early career in real estate development on Queensland’s Gold Coast, Palmer, who has…
“Every Australian Counts” has organised rallies in capitals cities across the country. phonakins/flickr

Lessons for the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Grassroots disability services campaign group, Every Australian Counts is holding rallies in capital cities all over the country today, calling for the creation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme…
The boundary between the military and everyday life is being eroded by videogames.

Anders Breivik, videogames and the militarisation of society

The ongoing trial of Norwegian right-wing extremist Anders Breivik has generated a great deal of media coverage, public debate and analysis. Much of this has focused on claims made by Breivik that he used…
Parlous states: despite staring down the barrel of recession, Victoria is set to deliver a budget surplus. But is this the right move for a stagnant economy? AAP

Is surplus the key to lifting Victoria out of its parlous state?

The Victorian government is set to hand down its budget this week. Premier Ted Baillieu is committed to returning Victoria back into the black, after it spent the first six months of this year in a $341…
Given our neo-Platonic visions of universal ecologies, when it comes to restoring waterways we’re up the proverbial creek without a paddle. Flickr/Annadriel

Science’s stagnant thinking: our rivers need a revolution

I’ve been away in the UK for a few years – and what do I find when I come back? In the Murray Darling we are still arguing over inputs (the amount of water to be returned to the river) instead of focusing…
Australia has the resources – but the environmental cost could be huge. AAP/Purple Communications

To boom or not to boom? Mineral resources in the Asian Century

AUSTRALIA IN THE ASIAN CENTURY – A series examining Australia’s role in the rapidly transforming Asian region. Delivered in partnership with the Australian government. Here, Dr Gavin Mudd considers the…
People put up all kinds of psychological barriers to changing their minds. Thomas Galvez

No one likes to change their mind, not even on climate

Last night’s ABC documentary I Can Change Your Mind About Climate was about two people — conservative former politician Nick Minchin and youth activist Anna Rose — exposing themselves to information that…
Brain scan technology is finding that some parts of the brain respond more strongly to colour than others. Flickr/dpi

Perceiving colour involves more than meets the eye

For more than 200 years, scientists have known the range of colours we can see means there must be three different types of light-responsive cells in our eyes. These three types of cell, along with the…