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ECT is the most rapid and effective treatment for depression but it’s still plagued with stigma. Irina Souiki

It’s time to move on from ECT’s shocking past

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has come a long way since earlier, darker days when it was known as electric shock therapy and conjured images from One Flew Over the Cukoo’s Nest. But just when it seems…
Feeding the world’s poor may not really be the main concern of companies that take out gene patents on crops. AAP

Is patenting crops really about feeding the hungry? A response

Michael Gilbert’s article starts with a title that poses a question - Will patenting crops help feed the hungry? Fair enough, except he then proceeds to provide an answer, which as the posted comments…
Andrew Bolt has a presence across a variety of media platforms. AAP

Andrew Bolt, racism and the internet

Already the Libertarian Right have begun to marshal their traditional arguments to cover Andrew Bolt’s disgrace by the Federal Court. Bolt himself has screeched freedom of speech in the wake of his ascerbic…
Our understanding of how people’s minds perceive time is still rudimentary. numb3r

Tick, tock, where’s your brain’s clock?

Our perception of time is something we take for granted. It drags. It goes too fast. It’s always there in the background, ticking away. But the means by which we measure, interpret and remember the flow…
Subsidies for nannies could help retain skilled women in the workforce, but isn’t without pitfalls. AAP

Tax Forum: should nannies for high income women be subsidised?

Some very well-paid women want to use the Tax Forum to press the government to substantially subsidise the costs of nannies by allowing their costs to be tax deductible. They claim this is essential to…
Making Australian miners more ethical could also make them more competitive. AAP

Sustainable mining: a vision for Australia to lead the world

Recent high prices for minerals have inspired a lot of companies and countries to start mining. But with a lead-time of up to five years for developing a mining operation, it is difficult to take advantage…
Amendments to the bill require doctors to get a second opinion. Rosie O'Beirne

Finding the balance in South Australia’s euthanasia legislation

South Australian MPs will tomorrow debate a bill which could see euthanasia legalised in the state, paving the way for other jurisdictions to follow. The bill has been criticised by the South Australian…
What is Australia’s responsibility for low-lying neighbours like Palau? CasaDeQueso

See you in court: the rising tide of international climate litigation

The Pacific Island State of Palau recently announced it will seek an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ), asking whether countries have a responsibility to avoid their emissions…
London trader Alessio Rastani has told the BBC he “dreamed” of recession. But traders often don’t know how they’ll react to losses. YouTube

‘Dreaming’ of recession: what to make of market makers and their noise?

Trading in financial securities has sometimes been regarded as a “black box”. This is particularly the case in markets where there is increased uncertainty. The current world economy is a prime candidate…
Andrew Bolt outside court in Melbourne during an earlier appearance in the case decided today. AAP

Bolt loses in court but will public condemnation follow?

Columnist and commentator Andrew Bolt has lost his racial discrimination case in the Federal Court. The action under the Racial Discrimination Act had been brought by nine Aboriginal people including high…
Australia ranks poorly for the number of graduates emerging with a science degree.

Science, maths and the future of Australia

Australia faces many big challenges – in the economy, health, energy, water, climate change, infrastructure, sustainable agriculture and the preservation of our precious biodiversity. To meet these, we…
In 2009, 180 years worth of time was used up preparing grant applications instead of doing research. US Army

Fingers crossed: the role of randomness in medical research funding

Chance is something researchers feel could be important when their applications for scientific research funding are assessed and discussed in peer review. Now this hunch has been supported by an analysis…
Barack Obama’s handling of the economy will be closely scrutinised in the US presidential election campaign next year. AFP/Mandel Ngan

It’s the economy, stupid: The US Presidential elections in 2012

President Barack Obama’s handling of the US economy has come under close scrutiny following the publication of Confidence Men by Ron Suskind - which charts his struggle to contain the Wall Street crash…
Increasingly, the impossible dream? Government policy has contributed to a lack of affordable housing. AAP

Tax Forum: reforming how property is taxed means we’ll tackle affordability

The Federal government’s Tax Forum offers a unique opportunity to begin remedying some of the inefficiencies and inequities we are witnessing in our housing system. Housing in Australia has become an unaffordable…
Is a partial default one of the steps to recovery for Greece? AAP

Defend or default? It’s the three trillion euro question

Will Greece default and exit the Eurozone? The best-case scenario is a managed, orderly, partial default with the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), a fund created in 2010 to manage Eurozone…
Art galleries need to measure visitors’ engagement with modern works, like this one by Tomas Saraceno at the Museum for Contemporary Art in Berlin. EPA/Maurizio Gambarini

A radical rethink: Redesigning art for the contemporary world

There seems little doubt that the rise of widespread international interest and investment in contemporary art and contemporary art museums has stimulated a demand for diverse and compelling programs that…
The Pharmacy Guild is promoting a range of Blackmores products as prescription “companions”. Flickr/Angelina

Pharmacies to push supplements as ‘fries and Coke’ to prescriptions

Pharmacists are among the most trusted professions in Australia, regularly coming in the top ten of the annual Reader’s Digest survey alongside paramedics, fire fighters, pilots and assorted medical professionals…
We don’t know exactly how the Earth formed, but we know it was messy. adametrnal

Journey to the centre of the earth: how our planet evolved

We know a lot about how humans evolved. But when it comes to our planet, we’re on shakier ground. Inert (nonreactive) gases, such as helium, neon and argon, trapped inside the mantle (Earth’s thickest…