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Tom Schilling as Kurt Barnert – a slightly blurred facsimile of the famous German artist Gerhard Richter – in Never Look Away. Pergamon Film, Wiedemann & Berg Filmproduktion, Beta Cinema

In Never Look Away we finally have a painter biopic offering insight into the creative process

Standing out among the crowd of recent artist biopics, the new film Never Look Away peels back some unhelpful tropes that have blinkered our understanding of the artist’s process.
Stay away from the tourists traps, economics tells us. Your best bet are those cozy places away from the bustle.

How to find a good restaurant? Economists can help

Finding a place to eat in a new city can be daunting. Economics and big data have a few tips to find the right place.
Exercise is good for you, no matter what your weight. Pressmaster/Shutterstock

Obesity has become the new normal but it’s still a health risk

Nike has recently displayed a plus-sized mannequin in its London store, triggering responses ranging from outrage to celebration. But there’s no denying the health risks of obesity.
Protesters demonstrate against a subsequently abandoned proposal to build an Apple store at Federation Square. Andi Yu/AAP

Apple controversy masks the real failures of Federation Square

Successful city squares act as nodes that connect places. They facilitate flows of people going about their daily lives through them as much, if not more, than they attract people to them. These flows…
The AFL quickly aborted the deployment of Behavioural Awareness Officers to monitor unruly fans. But who should be making sure spectators don’t get out of control? Rob Blakers/AAP

Loud, obnoxious and at times racist: the sordid history of AFL barracking

Barracking has been a colourful and controversial part of Australian Rules football since the game’s inception. Now, the AFL is trying to maintain order – and fans are irate.
Michelle Guthrie in 2018: the former ABC managing director made greater staff diversity a top priority. But her final Equity and Diversity annual report failed to meet several long-held targets. Joel Carrett/AAP

Friday essay: diversity in the media is vital - but Australia has a long way to go

As we face a growing tide of unregulated hate speech, the media is crucial in normalising diversity. Yet progress here has been slow. Even the ABC has failed to meet some of its own targets for hiring a diversity of employees.
Vulnerable children caught up in the criminal justice system can suffer long-lasting consequences, even from a short period behind bars. from

Locking up kids damages their mental health and sets them up for more disadvantage. Is this what we want?

Children are still being held in police cells and juvenile detention for low-range offences, under alarming conditions. Here’s how their mental health and future prospects suffer.
A driverless bus trial in a Canberra retirement village last month aimed to discover how to help residents improve their independence and connect more with others. AAP/IRT Group

Driverless buses can help end the suburbs’ public transport woes

A lack of convenient public transport is one of the main disadvantages of life in the outer suburbs. Driverless vehicles, by halving the cost of bus services, are ready to fill the gap.