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Around 66 million years ago, a huge rock from outer space (called an asteroid) smashed into the Earth. Michael J/flickr

Curious Kids: why did the dinosaurs die?

Dinosaurs ruled the Earth for about 180 million years. But around 66 million years ago, a huge rock from outer space (called an asteroid) smashed into the Earth. Then things got worse for dinosaurs.
More Australians rely on just one source to get their news. Shutterstock

Australians are less interested in news and consume less of it compared to other countries, survey finds

More than a third of Australians say they would prioritise a subscription for a video streaming service, such as Netflix, over a subscription for online news.
People living in private rental housing were much more likely than social housing residents to say they felt lonely. Dundanim/Shutterstock

‘I really have thought this can’t go on’: loneliness looms for rising numbers of older private renters

Increasing numbers of older Australians don’t own their homes. Whether they are private renters or live in social housing can make a big difference to their risk of loneliness and anxiety.
It can be tempting to point fingers, but people with other priorities aren’t necessarily bad. AAP Image/Darren England

Not everyone cares about climate change, but reproach won’t change their minds

In the end, climate policy didn’t swing the federal election, and for those on the losing side it can be tempting to play the blame game. But listening and respect are much better ways to move forward.
Home Affairs Secretary Mike Pezzullo has had an “appropriate conversation” with minister Peter Dutton- but that conversation was not a harsh one. AAP/Mick Tsikas

View from The Hill: A soft reprimand from one hard man to another

In deciding its reaction, the government is trying to gauge how much the press freedom issue is a matter of public concern – as distinct from the concern of the media itself.
Israel Folau is claiming that Rugby Australia unlawfully sacked him because of his religion. The organisation, however, contends the rugby star violated the terms of its code of conduct by discriminating against LGBTQ people. Lukas Coch/AAP

Why the Israel Folau case could set an important precedent for employment law and religious freedom

What makes Folau’s case unique is that it sets up a clash between employment contract law and legal protections against discrimination on the basis of religion.
Pope Francis with a group of nuns in Saint Peter’s Square, Vatican City, in 2018. History and the Bible provide good reasons why women should be in positions of authority in the Catholic Church. Ettore Ferrari/EPA/AAP

Women priests could help the Catholic Church restore its integrity. It’s time to embrace them

A recent Vatican commission report on women’s ordination as deacons was inconclusive. But allowing women priests would help the Catholic Church achieve much-needed reform.