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With the second and third releases of ATO tax transparency data, the was no reaction from the financial markets at all, not even for those firms included in the disclosures. BEN RUSHTON/AAP

Revealing how much tax companies pay doesn’t move markets or reduce tax avoidance

Mandatory tax return disclosures for large companies were designed to increase public awareness of tax avoidance - but a new study reveals they may not work.
People are still drawn to cinema to share the mass experience of watching a movie.

Cannes is right, Netflix movies just aren’t the same

Netflix’s Chief Content Officer has said the streaming service is the future of film. But cinemas have survived many other threats to their dominance.
False beliefs about language and speech underlie legal precedents that allow jurors to be “assisted” by unreliable transcripts of forensic audio. The Everett Collection/Shutterstock

Legal precedent based on false beliefs proves hard to overturn

Not all false beliefs arise from malicious misinformation. Some legal precedents rest on the status of everyday ‘common knowledge’, since shown to be false, but embedded in our law nonetheless.
Some people reward themselves for exercise with food, stymying weight-loss efforts. from

I go to the gym every day. Why can’t I lose weight?

People are often disappointed when exercise doesn’t translate into weight loss. Here are four reasons it might not be happening for you (yet).
Places such as Berri were affected by Millennium Drought, caused by low cool-season rain. New materials and techniques are now being used to observe drought causes and water patterns in Australia’s history to help the future. Gary Sauer-Thompson/flickr

Recent Australian droughts may be the worst in 800 years

Australia has always suffered heat and flood, but a detailed seasonal rainfall reconstruction of the last 800 years shows the extremes are intensifying.