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The key reason for the squeeze on household spending and saving is of course the ongoing weakness in the growth rate of household disposable income. Lukas Coch/AAP

Budget policy check: does Australia need personal income tax cuts?

The government says personal income tax cuts are needed to provide relief from low wages and high cost of living, but will tax cuts make up for that?
Being a property investor or house hunter appears to make Sydneysiders more supportive of foreign investment in residential real estate. Tracey Nearmy/AAP

Being a property investor or house hunter makes Sydneysiders more supportive of foreign investment

You’d perhaps expect property investors not to mind foreign investors who might push up prices. More surprisingly, house hunters are also more supportive than those who are not looking to buy.
There are now several new gate-keeping measures to test teacher quality introduced by universities in the last two to three years. Shutterstock

Why we need to review how we test for teacher quality

Australia’s decline in PISA rankings and criticisms of NAPLAN tell us we should also be looking at how we assess teacher quality.
The “Burney Relief,” which is believed to represent either Ishtar, the Mesopotamian goddess of love and war, or her older sister Ereshkigal, Queen of the underworld (c. 19th or 18th century BC) BabelStone

In ancient Mesopotamia, sex among the gods shook heaven and earth

Sex was central to life in ancient Mesopotamia. And the authors of Sumerian love poetry, depicting the exploits of divine couples, showed a wealth of practical knowledge about the stages of female sexual arousal.