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Amazing metabolic control: the Australian freshwater turtle can accelerate its embryonic development to hatch with the group. Flickr/rogersmithpix.

Turtle embryos speed up development to hatch in the safety of a group

Australian freshwater turtle embryos can sense how developed other babies are in their eggs and then speed up their own growth to hatch with the most advanced of their siblings, according to new research…
Channeling the seething imagery of Ken Russell’s bizarre visions: Lady Gaga. AAP/Frank Rumpenhorst.

Squaring off with the squares: the late Ken Russell

The arts have been left a legacy of courage in the face of moral “guardians”, with the death in England yesterday of one of mainstream cinema’s least understated directors, Ken Russell, at the age of 84…
Wrung by sweet enforcement: In a land of competing desires, Psyche Bend Lagoon on the Murray’s floodplains has suffered from a lack of environmental flows. Flickr/ccdoh1.

Murray Darling Basin Plan draft released: expert reactions

The Commonwealth-appointed Murray-Darling Basin Authority has today released a draft Basin Plan for 20 weeks of consulation. In a literary aside to the debate around this contentious matter, it is worth…
The Commonwealth has proposed a vast marine reserve in the Coral Sea. AAP/Ove Hoegh-Guldberg.

Commonwealth proposes Coral Sea marine reserve

Just in from the Australian Science Media Centre: The Federal Government has just announced the proposed establishment of the world’s largest marine protected area in the waters of the Coral Sea that fall…
Allegedly linked to SensaSlim: weight-loss supplement enthusiast Peter Foster on the Gold Coast in 2004, after having said former UK prime minister Tony Blair impregnated Foster’s former girlfriend. AAP/Dave Hunt.

SensaSlim banned after medico’s exposure of bogus scientific claims

The SensaSlim “dieter’s dream” oral spray has been ordered off the market. Effective from December 1, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) order prohibits “the importing into, exporting from, Australia…
Exit stage left: the now former-Speaker, Harry Jenkins, right, with ALP MP Sid Sidebottom. AAP/Lukas Coch.

Experts respond to Jenkins’ resignation as Speaker

Today’s resignation of Labor MP Harry Jenkins as Speaker of the House of Representatives throws an end-of-year bombshell into Australian federal politics. The new Speaker is Queensland MP Peter Slipper…
The great pond snail prefers to play the man after being locked up and denied calcium, new research finds. Flickr/Roy Stead.

Snails take male role in sex when released from solitary confinement

Pond snails kept in solitary confinement and starved of calcium for more than a week prefer to take the male role during post-liberation sex, researchers from the University of Calgary have found. Using…
New England no more: Ed Byrne has called for Australian universities to depart from tradition and engage strongly with Asia. Pictured is the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Flickr/drs2biz.

Expert reactions to VC’s call to shake up Aussie universities

Australian universities are often “held in low esteem” and will “sink or swim” in a hyper-competitive, globalised era where regional engagement is essential, said Ed Byrne, Monash University’s Vice-Chancellor…
Coming soon to the University of Sydney: same quadrangle, more IT, fewer academics. Flickr/iansand.

Sydney Uni to cut academic and general staff but boost IT

The University of Sydney has announced the “difficult news” that it will cut hundreds of academic and general staff to compensate for lower than expected student enrolments, and in order to free up money…
South Korean models promote Cialis, a drug made by Eli Lilly that claims to make men potent for up to 36 hours, dosage depending. AAP/Yonhap News.

Antibiotic crisis grows while drug companies make lifestyle meds

Antibiotics for acute infections are a pillar of medicine, but doctors say the pillar is crumbling as pharmaceutical companies neglect antibiotic development and instead chase massive profits from chronic…
More predicted: Typhoon Durian killed more than 1000 people and left more than a million homeless when it triggered landslides that buried Filipino villages in December 2006. Photo:AAP/EPA/Dennis M Sabangan.

IPCC summary report on extreme weather and disasters out now

Very hot periods will almost certainly lengthen and intensify while extreme weather is likely to increase over the coming century, according to a summary of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change…
Floods hit Maitland, NSW, in 1955. Flickr/Cultural Collections, University of Newcastle.

Extreme weather, climate change, and people: academic views

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will tonight release from its meeting in Kampala, Uganda, a summary for policy makers of a forthcoming report titled Managing the Risks of Extreme Events…
Professor Paul Greenfield remains chair of the Group of Eight universities. AAP/Alan Porritt.

UQ’s embattled VC remains chair of Group of Eight

The University of Queensland’s embattled Vice-Chancellor, Paul Greenfield, will remain chair of the Group of Eight universities after today’s Go8 board meeting expressed their confidence in him. Professor…
US President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Julia Gillard walk with Governor-General Quentin Bryce and Australian War Memorial Chairman Peter Cosgrove at the memorial this morning. AAP/Penny Bradfield.

Obama’s speech to Parliament: experts respond

Fighting wars together, free trade, China, and the fact that US is a Pacific power “here to stay” are some of topics covered by President Barack Obama in his speech this morning to the Australian Federal…
Adam Chang’s portrait of academic JM Coetzee, whose writing has had international impact. AAP/Art Gallery of NSW.

Measuring research impact: ATN chief talks about the push for a new system

The election of the Rudd Government in 2007 killed the momentum that had been building in the last few years of the Howard government for research valuation to move beyond metrics-based methods (such as…

Mesmerising fly-over of Earth

NASA has released time-lapse footage of flying over Earth taken from the International Space Station. Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream (but don’t forget to click the bottom right corner…
The site of the Four Mile uranium mine in South Australia approved by Environment Minister Peter Garrett in 2009. AAP/Quasar resources.

Should Australia sell uranium to India?

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced she wants the Australian Labor Party to change its policy of not selling uranium to countries that have not signed up to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty…
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Australian women, and it causes brain injuries. AAP/Julian Smith.

Breast cancer appears to cause brain injuries

Breast cancer appears to cause “measurable brain injury” even if women do not undergo chemotherapy, and the disease can mentally impair survivors, new research has found. “These impairments significantly…
The University of NSW, pictured here, reported the largest operating surplus of 2010. Flickr/

University operating surpluses at record high, yet quality questioned

The Australian university sector recorded a record operating surplus in 2010, quadrupling from 2003 to a total of $1.95 billion. Yet higher education analysts say that the quality of coursework education…
Ilya Zhitomirskiy, left, is reported dead. To his right is Dan Grippi, one of the four Diaspora founders. Flickr/campuspartymexico.

Diaspora founder reported dead at 22

One of the four co-founders of the privacy-friendly online social network, Diaspora, has been reported dead. Ilya Zhitomirskiy, 22, was one of four students at New York University’s Courant Institute of…
US Marines in the Philippines practising knife skills with their local counterparts in 2010. Flickr/United States Marine Corps Official Page.

Is a US Marine base in Darwin really a good idea?

The Labor Government will reportedly allow the US to permanently base American Marines in Darwin. If this goes ahead, Australia will join a long list of countries around the world that host American soldiers…
Former car manufacturer Chris Peachey in 2008 with the last Mitsubishi 380 to be made in Australia. The Adelaide factory closed the next day after 28 years. AAP/Rob Hutchison.

Need to smarten up again: dark side of the mining boom

The mining boom is gaining momentum with massive investment either underway or slated but the benefits to Australia have peaked and we must now face the difficulties of being a high-dollar quarry where…
A mother adjusts her child for a TB-screening x-ray in Thailand. AAP/EPA/Trungroj Yongrit.

Tuberculosis breath-test could be big help, even in Australia

The Electronic Nose breathalyser under development for diagnosing tuberculosis (TB) would, if successful, be an “enormous help” against a disease that killed an estimated 1.4 million people last year…
Getting humanities and social sciences from the hard drive to the book shelf. Flickr/pobrecito33.

Report urges National University Press Network to boost humanities

Australia needs a National University Press Network to print book and chapter-length research in the humanities and social sciences - research that, being too long for journals and not commercial enough…