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Onwards and upwards: Rhodes-Scholar elect Angie Darby at an Olympic qualification event in Japan 2007.

Eco-friendly student sees Rhodes’ aspirations in scholarship

A Melbourne University architecture graduate interested in sustainable development and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels has bagged a 2012 Australia at Large Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford. Angie Darby…
Health officials contain a bird flu outbreak in Nepal - but the US fears that deviants could learn from science journals how to mutate the virus into a form readily transmissible to and between humans. AAP/EPA/Narendra Shresth.

US pressures scientists to censor journal articles on bird flu

Two teams of virologists preparing to publish their research into mutations of avian influenza virus H5N1 are censoring their manuscripts after a US biosecurity agency said that publication of the studies…
Dreamless hungers: chronic fatigue is associated not only with emotional volatility but with craving fatty and high-sugar foods. Flickr/Runs With Scissors.

Lack of sleep making police a risk to themselves and the community

Widespread sleep deprivation is driving police into rage, danger, and incompetence, with chronically fatigued officers self-reporting high rates of uncontrolled anger towards suspects and citizens, serious…
Fred Hilmer, who has replaced Paul Greenfield as the chair of the Group of Eight. AAP/Mick Tsikas.

Fred Hilmer to chair Group of Eight as UQ’s VC makes early exit

The Group of Eight alliance of universities that dominate research funding today appointed as its new chairman, Professor Fred Hilmer, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of New South Wales. Professor…
Looking beyond tradition: the Group of Eight are taking part in a trial of measuring the impact of research. Flickr/sea turtle.

Group of Eight view of measuring the impact of research

In 2012 a dozen Australian universities will trial a system of assessing the impact of their research on the world outside academia as a possible means of directing funding. The pilot scheme is being led…
Thinking ahead: Let children with higher intellects break free of age groupings, says Miraca Gross. Flickr/ACPL.

Group kids by ability and subject not age, says gifted-education professor

Schoolchildren should be classed by intellectual ability in subject groupings rather than lumped together according to age, says Miraca Gross, the University of New South Wales’ Professor of Gifted Education…
Blindfolded investors: full financial disclosure is not required in superannuation. Flickr/Linzi Clark.

UniSuper benefit warning sparks demand for full disclosure

UniSuper’s admission that a superannuation scheme formerly guaranteed by employers, the universities, is underfunded has sparked angry calls for full financial disclosure to be mandatory, and raised questions…
dcf yyhg.

Boys to receive Gardasil HPV vaccine

Boys are likely be offered subsidised vaccinations against the sexually transmitted, wart and cancer-causing human papillomavirus (HPV) following a government committee recommendation to expand the use…
Police stand outside PNG’s Supreme Court. AAP/Eoin Blackwell.

Volatile times as rivals claim throne in Papua New Guinea: expert reactions

Papua New Guinea’s volatile political impasse continues even after Michael Somare was today reinstated as prime minister by the Governor-General, with rival Peter O'Neill remaining holed up in Government…
“The things of the world originate in being, and being originates in nonbeing”: Lao-Tzu on the Big Bang. Flickr/move-at-light-speed.

Deus ex machina: closing in on the Higgs boson - expert reactions

Scientists working at the CERN laboratory’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva announced last night that two independent experiments have shown signs that the hypothesised Higgs boson, AKA the “god…
Mirrors of a magical scientist: Andromeda photographed through a Newtonian telescope. Flickr/JonBaglo.

Digital alchemy: Sir Isaac Newton’s papers now online

The notebooks of Sir Isaac Newton, who was famously reported to have suffered a (scientifically) earth-shaking blow to the head from an apple, are being scanned and published online by the University of…
Shuffled to the outer ministry: the formidable Kim Carr (right) lost the research portfolio to Chris Evans. AAP/Lukas Coch.

Carr loses research portfolio to Evans in cabinet shuffle: expert responses

Kim Carr has lost the research portfolio to Chris Evans in today’s cabinet shuffle announced by Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Evans will now be the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and…
Revolution! Nobel-prize winning astronomer Brian Schmidt of the Australian National University. AAP/EPA/Bertil Ericson.

Schmidt champions pure research at Nobel Prize press conference

Nobel-prize winning astronomer Brian Schmidt of the Australian National University’s Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics speaks here about the revolutionary power of basic research. Professor…
Emission control: delegates move through the corridors of the International Convention Center during the COP 17/CMP 7 United Nations Climate Change Conference 2011 in Durban. AAP/EPA/Nic Bothma.

Global climate change pact in Durban: expert comment

After a fortnight of talks, The Durban Climate Change Conference has ended with an agreement that a treaty should be developed in the next three years that - starting from 2020 - would bind countries to…
Eat your greens and don’t smoke. Flickr/whologwhy.

Survival rates rising for most cancers in Australia

Cancer death rates are falling in Australia even as incidences rise of lung cancer in women and prostate cancer in men, according to research published today in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology…
The Review panel was chaired by Adelaide-based Jane Lomax-Smith, a former medical researcher and former ALP politician. AAP/Steve Larkin.

Fairness of Higher Education Base Funding Review’s fee policy questioned

The Higher Education Base Funding Review’s blanket dismissal of all possible arguments supporting varying the level of government subsidies across disciplines, as happens now, is the “single weakest aspect…
The democratic scrutiny of power needs a well staffed, high-quality press, says Malcolm Turnbull. AAP/Julian Smith.

Turnbull lectures on the crisis of newspapers and the opinion epidemic

Malcolm Turnbull, Federal Shadow Minister for Communications and Broadband, last night gave a lecture about the financially imperilled newspaper industry, speaking about how time and staffing pressures…
Shadow Education Minister Christopher Pyne wants universities to specialise instead of striving for sector-wide comprehensiveness. AAP/Alan Porritt.

Coalition wants specialised universities with ranking boost to Group of Eight

The Federal Shadow Minister for Education, Christopher Pyne, spoke last night in Brisbane about the need for Australia’s universities to move away from every institution trying to be comprehensive, and…
This image using color data obtained by the framing camera aboard NASA’s Dawn spacecraft shows Vesta’s southern hemisphere in color, centered on the Rheasilvia formation. Rheasilvia is an impact basin measured at about 290 miles (467 kilometers) in diameter with a central mound reaching about 14 miles (23 kilometers) high. The black hole in the middle is data that have been omitted due to the angle between the sun, Vesta and the spacecraft. NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA.

Planetoid asteroid in full effect

NASA has released new images and footage of the giant, iron-cored asteroid, Vesta, taken by the agency’s unmanned spacecraft, Dawn. The probe was launched in December 2007 but just only the arrived at…
Constant, individualised feedback is far better for students and teachers than a mindset of standardised testing. AAP/Yonhap News Agencyof

Revolution in the classroom: teachers are there to learn

A conceptual leap lies between schools that test kids in order to measure their performance and schools that assess kids to see how teachers are performing, says Professor John Hattie, Director of the…
Body mapping: manipulating the sensory input can manipulate phantom limbs, new research suggests. Flickr/philippe leroyer.

Phantom limb formation relates to how sensory contact is lost: new research

The phantom limbs perceived by many amputees and others who lose sensory connection with their bodies, do not form in “default” postures as often thought, but instead coalesce into positions that are dependent…
Interstellar overdrive: The area being studied by the Kepler Mission. Image/NASA.

Blazing hot planet discovered zooming around its star

A planet where the years flash by in under three days has been discovered circling the brightest star in the Kepler star field of the Milky Way. A team of 65 astronomers and mutiple telescopes led by Steve…
Tap, tap, tapping at the public consciousness: News Ltd has been accused of slanted coverage of carbon price policy. Fickr/Monochrome.

News Ltd carbon coverage campaigning not reporting: new report + News’ response

News Ltd’s coverage of the Government’s carbon price policy has been so negative and one-dimensional that some papers in the stable are misleading the public by doing partisan campaigning rather than balanced…