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Science + Tech – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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Our understanding of how people’s minds perceive time is still rudimentary. numb3r

Tick, tock, where’s your brain’s clock?

Our perception of time is something we take for granted. It drags. It goes too fast. It’s always there in the background, ticking away. But the means by which we measure, interpret and remember the flow…
Australia ranks poorly for the number of graduates emerging with a science degree.

Science, maths and the future of Australia

Australia faces many big challenges – in the economy, health, energy, water, climate change, infrastructure, sustainable agriculture and the preservation of our precious biodiversity. To meet these, we…
We don’t know exactly how the Earth formed, but we know it was messy. adametrnal

Journey to the centre of the earth: how our planet evolved

We know a lot about how humans evolved. But when it comes to our planet, we’re on shakier ground. Inert (nonreactive) gases, such as helium, neon and argon, trapped inside the mantle (Earth’s thickest…
Painting gamers as “exotic others” is one of three main tropes used in the media. Jim D

‘Gamers’ tag is a poor fit, whichever way you Foldit

The phrases “real world scientific progress” and “the power of online games” are strange bedfellows. Yet surprisingly, they found themselves thrust together in the media last week due to the publication…
Another week, another rush to proclaim Einstein was wrong. Martial Trezzini/AFP

Neutrinos and the speed of light? Not so fast …

The bartender says, “We don’t serve your kind in here” A faster-than-light neutrino walks into a bar … The media is champing at the bit to proclaim a discovery of faster-than-light travel by a subatomic…
Academic knowledge is boxed in by exclusive, expensive journals.

Scientist meets publisher: the video

Scientists – myself included – are increasingly frustrated by the outmoded academic publishing system. The situation as it stands made sense in the pre-internet era, when one needed a printing press to…
Zuckerberg’s big pitch is in, and it could make Facebook millions. AFP/Kimihiro Hoshino

Facebook has changed – will you still feel the same?

The world is currently embroiled in on- and offline discussions about changes that are affecting the lives of millions. The subject is not climate change, the global financial crisis, political upheaval…
The factors fuelling advances in computer hardware are drying up. Yoshikazu Tsuno/AFP

Performance anxiety: the end of software’s free ride

We are consumers of software that is ever more capable, diverse and clever. Our Google queries, our Facebook experience, our ability to play HD movies on our iPads, and the convenience of reading emails…
Carrying cards and cash on your phone seems like a big call. Google

Is Google Wallet a virtual game-changer?

So it’s finally here: Google Wallet, a free Android app that turns your (Google) smartphone into a mobile payment system, launched today. To do this, the company has partnered with Citi, MasterCard, First…
America and Australia have made moves towards defending against online attacks. Johnson Cameraface

Last online of defence: why is ANZUS prepping for a cyber war?

How worried should we be about cyber warfare? The latest amendment to the ANZUS treaty between the US and Australia, announced at the end of last week suggests it’s a genuine threat to the national security…
The numbers in Manhattan streets are far outnumbered by those on social media. Don Emmert/AFP

#OccupyWallStreet …? I’ll be there, but on Twitter

On Saturday, hundreds of protestors congregated in the Wall Street area of New York at the start of a protest dubbed #OccupyWallStreet. The aim? To “flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens…
Despite ideas to the contrary, the evidence shows that texting does not make us bad spellers. Flickr/lanier67

Texting dsn’t make U a bad spellr

Children and teenagers today do all the things that children and teenagers have more or less always done – they talk to their friends, have dinner with the family, and watch TV. However, as even the casual…
Creators of a new “red light” suffix hope to put porn in its proper place. Julian Smith/AAP

.xxx domain – a new way to look at pornography

This month’s launch of the .xxx internet domain, a new section of the internet dedicated to pornography and erotica, is getting people hot and bothered. The global body coordinating internet addresses…