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Science + Tech – Research and News

Displaying 276 - 300 of 394 articles

Joel Miller is Australia’s newest science communication superhero.

UWA student wins international ‘Dance your PhD’ competition

First 2011 brought us a Nobel prize in Physics. Now Australia can also boast the winner of the Science Magazine “Dance your PhD” award. University of Western Australia PhD student Joel Miller has taken…
Ritchie created the C programming language and used it to create the operating system Unix. Both developments underpin modern computing, experts say. Flickr/mrbill

Dennis Ritchie, father of modern computer programming, dies

Dennis Ritchie, whose invention of the Unix operating system and programing language C paved the way for the creation of the internet, smart phones, e-banking and modern computer software, has died aged…
Stem cell experiments on mice have been shown to correct a liver disorder, but would it work on humans? Flickr/Rick Eh?

Mouse liver experiment heralds stem cell breakthrough

For the first time, scientists have been able to fix a genetic liver defect in tests on mice using stem cells created from human skin, marking a potential major breakthrough in the repair of genetic disorders…
Ezio Rizzardo (left) and David Solomon won the prize for the invention of smart polymers. Prime Minister's Science Prizes/Bearcage

Smart plastic inventors win PM’s science prize

Two Australian chemists have won the 2011 Prime Minister’s Prize for Science for the invention of “smart plastic” technology, a technique that revolutionised the way paints, contact lenses, solar cells…
Prime Minister Julia Gillard hugs Minister for Climate Change Greg Combet after the carbon pricing legislation was passed by the House of Representatives on Wednesday. AAP

Carbon price bill passes lower house: the experts respond

The Gillard government’s carbon pricing legislation passed the House of Representatives by 74 votes to 72, and is expected to pass through the Senate with the support of the Greens next month. Under the…
Rena’s list has worsened to about 18° to starboard and between 200 and 300 tonnes of oil has leaked into the ocean. AFP PHOTO/MARITIME NEW ZEALAND

Dispersants may do more harm than good in NZ oil spill case

Dispersants used to break down the 300 tonnes of oil that has leaked from a cargo ship into New Zealand’s Bay of Plenty may do marine ecosystems more harm than good, an ocean oil spill expert has said…

World’s largest virus found in Chile

The world’s largest virus has been found in seawater off the coast of Chile, measuring around 10 to 20 times the length of most viruses. Named Megavirus chilensis, the giant virus infects single-cell marine…
University of Melbourne was ranked 37 in the world and top in Australia by the Times Higher Education World university Ranking system in 2011. Flickr/Pip_Wilson

Times Higher Education ranks University of Melbourne Australia’s best but experts urge caution

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings has named the University of Melbourne Australia’s best university, but higher education experts have warned that such rankings tables are easily misinterpreted…
Because many people use the same password on multiple sites, hacks that expose login details can create new risks. Flickr/Davide Restivo website hacked, more than 600 passwords exposed

Hackers have infiltrated popular job-search website and posted the login details and passwords of over 600 users onto the public website Pastebin. Exposing login details is dangerous because…

Can crows read?

Crows can recognise and ascribe numerical meaning to symbols, a new study shows, suggesting that the unusually intelligent birds may be able to “read” numbers and simple icons. Crows are known for their…
The brain implants helped the monkeys differentiate between virtual objects that looked the same but ‘felt’ different – even though the monkeys never touched the objects. Katie Zhuang

Monkey brain implant may help disabled people to ‘feel’

Monkeys fitted with brain implants can “feel” different surfaces of identical virtual objects, a new study shows, paving the way for technology that may paralysed people experience the sense of touch…
Apple founder Steve Jobs revolutionised our relationship with computers and phones, experts say. AAP

Apple founder Steve Jobs dead

Apple founder Steve Jobs, widely seen as one of tech industry’s most influential figures, has died after a battle with cancer that forced him to resign as CEO in August. He was 56. In a statement posted…
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome, which can make it hard to conceive, are more likely to have parents who suffer from heart disease and hypertension, a study has found. Flickr/Thomas van Ardenne

Study links PCOS to parental heart disease, stroke

Women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), an endocrine disorder that can cause fertility problems, are more likely to have parents with heart disease, hypertension or a stroke, a new study…
Professor Brian Schmidt helped discover that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating. Belinda Pratten

Australian astrophysicist wins Nobel Prize

An astrophysicist from the Australian National University has jointly won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics for his part in the discovery that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating. Harvard-educated…
The hands of a 36-year-old sufferer of familial digital arthropathy brachydactyly, a form of inherited osteoarthritis. Murdoch Childrens Research Institute

Arthritis gene breakthrough could lead to new drugs

Australian researchers have pinpointed a gene that helps cause osteoarthritis, paving the way for new drugs that may one day improve or even prevent the painful condition. Osteoarthritis commonly affects…
A bigger hole in the ozone layer over Northern Hemisphere countries could mean more UV damage to humans, animals and plants. Flickr/cdsessums

Arctic ozone hole grew at record speed in 2011

A hole in the Arctic ozone layer grew at unprecedented levels this year, a new study has found, exposing densely populated northern hemisphere countries to potentially harmful levels of UV radiation. The…
Around 50% of Canada’s ice shelf has disappeared in the last six years, researchers say. Denis Sarrazin, ArcticNet/Centre d'Etudes Nordiques

Canadian ice shelves halve in six years

Half of Canada’s ancient ice shelves have disappeared in the last six years, researchers have said, with new data showing significant portions melted in the last year alone. The rate at which ice melts…
Australian astronomers have mapped the cosmic filaments that bind the Milky Way together, which may help reveal how galaxies form. Michael Boylan-Kolchin, University of California Irvine

Scientists track silvery threads that feed the Milky Way

Australian astronomers have shed new light on the cosmic filament that binds the Milky Way together, providing new clues on how the galaxy is formed and how it grows. The Milky Way, home to our solar system…
An exoplanet called Fomalhaut b has been photographed in an unexpected spot – so is it even an exoplanet at all? NASA/

The exoplanet that wasn’t. Or was it?

A distant planet that made its name as the world’s first directly photographed exoplanet is at the centre of an astronomical stoush, after it veered off course and new doubts were raised about its existence…
NASA’s Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite, or UARS, is expected to re-enter Earth’s atmosphere tomorrow afternoon. NASA/

Look out! NASA space junk to hit Earth tomorrow

A defunct NASA satellite is expected to fall to Earth some time tomorrow afternoon but the US space agency has said it’s not yet clear where the space junk will land. The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite…
Younger academics and researchers need clear career paths, job security and to be freed from red tape, the report said. Flickr/Argonne National Laboratory

Talkin’ bout my generation: young academics on why so many eye uni exit

Nearly 40% of academics under 30 and one-third of staff aged 30-39 years plan to leave the Australian higher education sector within 10 years, according to a new report, raising the prospect of severe…