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A group of youth walked 1600 kilometers to bring attention aboriginal issues in 2013 at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario. They hold up the Cree flag. By Paul McKinnon/

Media portrays Indigenous and Muslim youth as ‘savages’ and ‘barbarians’

Research shows that the Globe and Mail has created a script in which marginalized youth can only be dealt with as failures or criminals, impacting the way they are perceived in society.
Abused women were concerned that their pets may also be harmed by their abuser. (Shutterstock)

Fears for pets can put abused women at further risk

Concern for their pets’ safety can lead women to delay leaving their abusers. Better on-site pet services in women’s shelters would enable them to seek help without fear for their animals’ well-being.
William Shatner as Star Trek’s Captain James T. Kirk is depicted on a commemorative stamp issued by Canada Post in 2016. Handout/Canada Post

Energy fuels Star Trek economy

Canada’s economy faces a radical shift as abundant energy and resources could propel the country toward a Star Trek future.
In this fantasy episode of “The Mindy Project,” Mindy Lahiri dreams of becoming a white man after getting rejected for a job. (Hulu/Richard Foreman)

‘I wanna be white!’ Can we change race?

When philosopher Rebecca Tuvel asked if racial identity could be as fluid as gender, she unleashed a storm of controversy and anger. Instead of shutting her down, we should listen and debate.
Did the TPP die - or is it now a zombie? (Visual Hunt/Killaee)

Zombie Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement lurches on

NAFTA renegotiations may see provisions from the Trans-Pacific Partnership revive like zombies. We must remember their failures - on income inequality, labour and environmental protection.
Using passive eDNA detection, we won’t have to wait until we see massive algae blooms to know lakes are struggling.

DNA barcodes — sci-fi tech to safeguard environment

By 2167, DNA barcoding scans will lead to weather-style “biodiversity forecasts,” enabling us to more easily protect and care for the environment.
Canada spends more per capita on prescription drugs than most other OECD countries. (Shutterstock)

Why Canada should introduce universal drugs coverage

Canada is the only nation with a broad public health system lacking universal coverage for pharmaceuticals. Despite fears that pharmacare would be too costly, it could end up saving Canadians money.
Can innovative professional learning communities help to support bilingualism? (Mimi Masson)

How to woo French teachers to stay in Canada’s schools

As Canada’s French language teachers flee the profession, online Professional Learning Communities promise to reverse this trend, stimulating creativity, camaraderie and leadership.