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Artículos sobre 2020 US elections

Mostrando 461 - 480 de 502 artículos

North Carolina Electoral College representatives sign the Certificates of Vote in December 2016. REUTERS/Jonathan Drake

The Electoral College will never make everyone happy

A quirk of mathematics gives voters in some small states, like Rhode Island and Nebraska, an extra edge over voters in other states. This happens not only in the US, but in other countries, too.
What people read online could really disrupt society and politics. igorstevanovic/

How disinformation could sway the 2020 election

The Russians won’t be alone in spreading disinformation in 2020. Their most likely imitator will be Iran. Also, Instagram could get even more infected with intentional misinformation than it has been.
Online discussion doesn’t always accurately reflect the real political landscape. Russ Vance/

4 reasons why social media election data can misread public opinion

Political campaigns and journalists often turn to social media to see how voters feel about an election. But the numbers they see there may not accurately reflect the electorate’s views.
Winning the support of workers may be key to Democrats winning the 2020 election. Reuters/Lucas Jackson

How Democrats can win back workers in 2020

Hillary Clinton arguably lost in 2020 because she took workers for granted. Will Democrats make the same mistake again?
The leading Democratic candidates to take on Trump (clockwise from top left corner): Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. AAP/The Conversation

Two dozen candidates, one big target: in a crowded Democratic field, who can beat Trump?

There’s one reason the US Democratic presidential field is so crowded – a belief Trump can be beaten. Here’s a closer look at the five leading candidates.
Democratic U.S. 2020 election presidential candidates during the second night of the first Democratic presidential candidates’ debate. REUTERS/Mike Segar

Fighting words for a New Gilded Age - Democratic candidates are sounding a lot like Teddy Roosevelt

The problems facing America are unrestrained capitalism and corruption, said the Democratic presidential candidates over two nights of debates. Or was that really Teddy Roosevelt speaking?

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