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Artículos sobre Abuse

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 152 artículos

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Boot camps for young offenders are back – the psychological evidence they don’t work never went away

Evidence shows the links between punishment, discipline and behaviour change are weak at best. Good rehabilitation has a therapeutic focus – but this is less popular with politicians and the public.
The Blue Quills Indian Residential School in St. Paul, Alta., Aug. 15, 1931. When the federal government announced plans to shutter the school in 1970, the community fought back, and Blue Quills became the first residence and school controlled by First Nations people in Canada. (Provincial Archives of Alberta)

Inside the search for the unmarked graves of children lost to Indian Residential Schools

To honour Truth and Reconciliation Day, we spoke with Terri Cardinal, who headed up one of the many community searches for the children who went missing while attending an Indian Residential School.
Many restaurant workers see violence as a core aspect of a hardscrabble kitchen culture that has existed for generations. Jetta Productions/David Atkinson via Getty Images

How did abuse get baked into the restaurant industry?

Barbara Lynch’s alleged bullying of her employees is only the latest in a string of high-profile chef scandals. Two scholars explore how this behavior became normalized in kitchens across the US.

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