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Artículos sobre Academic freedom

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 131 artículos

Defunding of universities has forced administrators to to seek and secure private donations from wealthy individuals or corporations. Pictured here, the Michael G. De Groote Faculty of Medecine, McMaster University, in Hamilton, Ont.

Half of Ontario’s medical schools are now named after wealthy donors

We should challenge government defunding of universities, and greater reliance on private donations that can affect the transparency, equity and democracy of public institutions, including hospitals.
Ontario’s new order in council adopting the IHRA definition on antisemitism risks stifling criticism of Israel. (Newtown grafitti/flickr)

New human rights order risks restricting criticism of Israel

Ontario’s recent order-in-council adopting the IHRA’s definition of antisemitism has been lauded by some. However, critics fear that it could be used to curtail criticism of the Israeli government.
Distinguishing a unique sense of place within a common virtual space of online learning will require significant investment. (Shutterstock)

6 ways universities are being put to the test by coronavirus

In a world where students can attend any university from their living rooms, universities need a compelling answer to the question: “Why should students come here?”
Controversy erupted after a lecturer at the University of Alberta posted on Facebook in November that the Holomodor is a “myth.” Canada recognized the Holomodor — the death of millions of Ukrainians in 1932–33 due to Soviet policies — as an act of genocide in 2008. Here, the Holodomor Memorial, Kyiv, Ukraine. (Flickr/Matt Shalvatis)

Universities should stand up for integrity and public trust in university teaching

Those teaching in publicly funded universities should be held accountable for denying the public record, whether in their classrooms or beyond.

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