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Artículos sobre Africa

Mostrando 681 - 700 de 1003 artículos

Community health workers like these visit patients’ homes in Malawi to help prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Baylor College of Medicine Children's Foundation–Malawi/Chris Cox

Trump’s global gag order: 5 questions answered

All recent Republican presidents have cut off foreign aid tied to abortion. Trump’s expansive version of those restrictions endangers billions slated for HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.
Pit latrine in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Access to clean water and sanitation are key to preventing cholera epidemics. D. Schafer, SuSanA/Flickr

How El Niño forecasts can help prevent cholera deaths in Africa

Cholera kills thousands every year but is treatable if it is caught early. Understanding how El Niño shifts cholera risks in Africa can help countries prepare for outbreaks and save lives.
Bill Nye the Science Guy leads a crowd of scientists in the April 22 2017 March on Science in Washington, DC. Aaron Bernstein/Reuters

Yes, climate change matters: international scientists appeal to Trump on his first 100 days

Scientists from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe take on the White House with facts from the ground they stand on.
Paul Odihambo shows off a bore well in his village outside of Kisumu, Kenya that a DIY aid group donated. Susan Appe

Will Trump’s cuts inspire more DIY foreign aid?

With steep budget cuts looming, a growing number of tiny volunteer-driven organizations are delivering aid on their own. Will the Trump administration inspire even more small-scale global giving?
Herder Ahmed Haji waters his goats. AP Photo/Ben Curtis

Three reasons for optimism in Somalia

According to 2016 rankings, Somalia is the most fragile state in the world, worse off even than Syria. But there are reasons to believe things will improve.
If implemented, President Trump’s proposed foreign aid cuts would have many repercussions. Kendra Helmer/USAID

US foreign aid, explained

As President Trump puts U.S. foreign aid on the chopping block, few Americans know much about it. Perhaps even fewer realize that the U.S. lags behind its peers on this front.
Women in rural Malawi, outside an AIDS hospital. AIDS was the first of the ‘new’ pandemic threats, after bird flu. Author provided.

How the Trump budget undercuts security risks posed by pandemics

An active outbreak of a type of bird flu in China raises concerns about worldwide pandemics. Ebola and Zika viruses still threaten. Here’s why this is not the time to cut funding.

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