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Artículos sobre Algorithm

Mostrando 241 - 244 de 244 artículos

Diversity is the key. Agricultural Research Service

Protect a sixth of the land, save two thirds of species

The scene was typical for an international gathering of governments: bureaucrats, sat behind nameplates and speaking through interpreters. But the less than typical result of the votes cast at this 1992…
That skinny latte was awesome? We knew before you tweeted. Matt Biddulph

Algorithms can predict how tweets spread

The deluge of data we are subjected to daily can be a good thing sometimes. It gives us a wide-open window to look at people’s behaviour, say, through their use of social media. The obvious question then…
As all mathematicians know, the rift between useful and useless can change with time. Manu gomi

Your number’s up – a case for the usefulness of useless maths

I once made the mistake of asking a mathematician why he devoted his whole life to maths. “Because it’s fun!” he replied wildly, his flabby cheeks beaming with childlike excitement. “Ah, of course,” I…

An algorithm to speed up MRI scans

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan time could be cut to just 15 minutes (from about 45 minutes currently), thanks to an…

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