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Artículos sobre Constitutional law

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 157 artículos

South Africa’s Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng making a ruling on secret ballots in Parliament at the Constitutional Court in Johannesburg. Siphiwe Sibeko/Reuters

There are dangers behind giving South African MPs the right to a secret ballot

A motion of no confidence - secret or open - in South Africa’s president will be destabilising. There’s value in ensuring that such a hefty decision is made openly and with courage of conviction.
The British parliament passed the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act in 1900. Museum of Australian Democracy

Australian politics explainer: the writing of our Constitution

Australia’s Constitution is a product of foreign and domestic political influences. It has become one of the enduring aspects of Australian politics and law, for better and worse.
Constitutional conundrums. Stefan Rousseau PA Archive/PA Images

Does the UK Supreme Court have enough power?

The court has a big constitutional decision to make in the appeal over who can trigger Article 50. But it may not be properly equipped to make it for the whole of the UK.
Election officials scan voters’ identity documents during South Africa’s local government elections in Umlazi, Durban. Reuters/Rogan Ward

South Africans have made their voices heard. Now what for local councils?

Many municipalities in the South Africa don’t function properly because of poor management and administrative capacity. They don’t have enough appropriately qualified and experienced staff.
State leaders endorsed a plan at COAG last week that would see some terrorists jailed indefinitely. AAP/David Moir

The government still needs to demonstrate that indefinite detention for terrorists is necessary

Detaining persons convicted of terrorist offences for lengthy periods after they have served their time could risk radicalising a section of the community who see the measure as unjust.

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