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Artículos sobre Facebook

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LinkedIn is focusing on a younger audience, targeting high school students. A Name Like Shields Can Make You Defensive/Flickr

LinkedIn for teens: how young is too young for a personal brand?

Despite recording revenue of US$1.5 billion last year, professional social networking site LinkedIn saw its shares take a 7% hit on Friday night, after its growth forecast disappointed the market. Since…
Recommended for me? Milk appreciation group? LIKE. c r z

New mums shun Twitter and stick to baby-friendly Facebook

Although it might sometimes seem that your Facebook feed is overrun with chatter about babies, research from Microsoft has suggested that mums actually spend less time on the site after they have had children…
Facebook, the world’s biggest social network with 1 billion users, celebrates its first decade this February, but challenges remain in the coming years. EPA/How Hwee Young

Facebook turns 10, no longer a minnow, no longer ‘new media’

Facebook turns ten this month, but so what? Google celebrated its 15th anniversary last year. Even though it has been through several redesigns and relaunches, MySpace is already 11, having been established…
Verizon, Comcast and other providers have been fighting against net neutrality rules since 2005, when the Federal Communication Commission first introduced such measures. Steve Rhodes

Australia’s net neutrality lesson for the US

A US court ruling meaning broadband internet service providers will no longer have to follow principles of network neutrality has sparked predictions the internet will end as we know it. Some predict it…
Facebook has changed much since the early days but it needs to do more. Flickr/niallkennedy

Facebook isn’t dying but it needs to evolve more

Researchers John Cannarella and Joshua Spechler from Princeton University made headlines last week when they predicted that Mark Zuckerberg’s almighty Facebook would shed 80% of its users by 2017. The…
Vincent F Hendricks likes this post, but in a sort of ironic, self-referential way. Ksayer1

How Facebook changed what it means to ‘like’

The “like” is the predominant gesture on social media, whether you’re sticking to Facebook or shifting to Instagram. It may even be the most common gesture among humans nowadays. Some of us probably “like…
Who’s in charge here? It’s not us. jdlasica

From breastfeeding to politics, Facebook steps up censorship

Facebook has recently tried to close down the popular Anarchist Memes page on its site in the latest of a string of crackdowns on political online activism. It’s just one more example of the social media…
What we self-censor on Facebook is a fascinating topic for sociological research, but it raises some uncomfortable questions about our digital rights. J Bizzie/Flickr

When did you consent to Facebook’s self-censorship research?

Are corporate and academic research ethics up to the task of dealing with the “cool but creepy” dilemmas of big data? A recent paper, Self Censorship on Facebook, shows that Facebook wants to know why…
Facebook deals with what’s acceptable and what isn’t through surveillance, community monitoring and self-regulation. Xomiele/Flickr

A thin blue line: how Facebook deals with controversial content

Stories of Facebook allowing beheading videos but removing breastfeeding images, and then reversing the decision to allow graphic violence after public uproar, has led many to question how Facebook should…
Dead and buried? 1.2 billion users say otherwise. dullhunk

Facebook isn’t dead and buried, but dodgy journalism lives on

When I saw the recent eruption of stories claiming Facebook is “dead and buried to teens” I was at first intrigued, but, once I had read through to their original sources, quickly disappointed – though…
That’s one way to get around Facebook’s facial recognition. mw238

Privacy 2013: from Snowden to Facebook to Amazon’s drones

While every year since the advent of the internet has had its share of privacy stories, 2013 has been a cornucopia of news about surveillance and personal data. Undoubtedly, the biggest story of the year…

Do you Facebook-screen potential employees?

Screening applicants using social media platforms is commonplace when recruiting new staff. But this could be seen as a breach…
Clint Eastwood and his empty chair don’t let facts get in the way of a good narrative. Lynne Sladky/AP/Press Association Images

All those likes and upvotes are bad news for democracy

Human beings have long been easily influenced by the opinions of others but the social media networks that have come to dominate our lives may be making this “social proof” a problem. A recent study in…
Do you know anything about machine learning? newyork

Are you an expert in machine learning? Facebook is hiring

“Move fast and break things.” That is the Facebook motto plastered all over their California headquarters to remind engineers never to stop innovating. This week, the company moved fast and broke some…
Advergames on mobile phones allow advertisers to directly target young children with games that promote unhealthy food. Toca Boca/flickr

Advergames play with nutrition by making fast food rewarding

Advergaming is a relatively recent approach to advertising that overcomes many of the limitations of traditional advertising. But advergames are increasingly being used by fast food companies to target…

Our love-hate relationship with Facebook

By David Holmes and Anna Matwijiw More than 50% of young Australians have seriously considered shutting down their Facebook accounts, even while many of them check the site compulsively through the day…
Social media has long been said to enable “produsage”, where viewers can also be content producers. But new research shows this is not how we use these networks. The Conversation

Compulsive checking trumps content creation on Facebook: study

The democratising potential of social media have long been heralded. Successive government ministers, starting with Helen Coonan, Stephen Conroy and now Malcolm Turnbull, have all talked up the marvels…

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