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Artículos sobre Global perspectives

Mostrando 3161 - 3180 de 3376 artículos

Maria Schneider and Marlon Brando in a scene from Last Tango in Paris. Les Productions Artistes Associés

Why we should no longer consider Last Tango in Paris ‘a classic’

Revelations of sexual abuse in the making of Last Tango in Paris give the film ‘the air of a snuff piece’. Film scholars must reassess the work – there is no place for revering artistic achievement over human suffering.
An 18th-century painting shows an indigenous woman with her Spanish husband and their child. The plaque reads: ‘From a Spaniard and an Indian is produced a mestizo.’ Wikimedia Commons

From Paraguay, a history lesson on racial equality

The strange and enlightening tale of a South American dictator who tried to prevent white people from marrying other white people.
Dancing with the Balinese dragon. AAP/Zul Edoardo

Don’t expect a rerun of the Asian Financial Crisis

Despite worries about a new Asian Financial Crisis, much has changed since the last one in 1997. Even if a crisis were to materialise, it would look quite different from that of two decades ago.
Aboriginal elder Major Sumner sits outside Liverpool’s World Museum with a box containing the skull of an Australian indigenous person, taken from Australia between 1902 and 1904. Phil Noble/Reuters

Museums are returning indigenous human remains but progress on repatriating objects is slow

The question of repatriating objects is clearly more complex than returning human remains. It needs more debate, and more creative interventions to move beyond the current impasse.
Nobel Peace Prize winner Juan Manual Santos had promised to end the conflict before the end of 2016, opposition notwithstanding. Jaime Saldarriaga/Reuters

Colombia has a new peace agreement, but will it stick?

The South American nation is poised to end its 52-year civil war after a halting peace process that has used the weapons of both war and democracy.
Demonstrators protest against Beijing’s interference over local politics and the rule of law. Tyrone Siu/Reuters

Can the fruits of democracy survive in Hong Kong?

In recent months, the flimsy foundations of Hong Kong’s autonomy have been exposed by a series of dramas.

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