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Artículos sobre Greta Thunberg

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 72 artículos

The beginning of the year has brought not only a cascade of bad news but also a wealth of great memes. With detached humour, people on the internet are identifying a problem, but the question remains: what do do about it? (Shutterstock)

Coronavirus, climate crisis, conflicts: Meme-ing our way through the ‘apocalypse’

Despite the nihilism and pessimism of internet memes, people ultimately understand the direness of the danger posed by a powerful virus, climate change and global instability.
Climate activist Greta Thunberg listens during a meeting with climate scientists at the COP25 summit in Madrid, Spain. AP Photo/Paul White

The dangers of depicting Greta Thunberg as a prophet

Some have started to frame Thunberg’s activism in messianistic terms – and this can serve as fodder for climate deniers.
Some of the young people who are part of the lawsuit filed against the federal government, seen at a press conference in Vancouver, B.C., in October 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Kids facing effects of climate change are taking their governments to court

Two recent legal cases in Canada help explain the evolution of climate activism here and around the rest of the world.
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg signs Montréal’s Golden Book during a ceremony in Montréal in September 2019, less than a month before the federal election. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

Thunberg and Obama: Did they interfere in the Canadian election?

Both climate activist Greta Thunberg and former U.S. president Barack Obama made their presences known during the Canadian election. Was it interference?
NASA ‘could not imagine the radical effect of seeing the Earth’ from the moon. In the face of a climate catastrophe, we all need to step back and see the Earth again. Bill Anders/NASA/Handout

Friday essay: thinking like a planet - environmental crisis and the humanities

Historical perspective can offer much in this time of ecological crisis,. Many historians are reinventing their traditional scales of space and time to tell different kinds of stories that recognise the unruly power of nature.

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