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Artículos sobre Islam

Mostrando 401 - 420 de 551 artículos

Ethnic voters will be important players in at least ten very close seats in NSW and Victoria. AAP/Mick Tsikas

What’s the ‘ethnic vote’ going to do in Australia’s top-ten ethnic marginal seats?

What’s ‘the ethnic vote’ going to do in the top-ten ethnic federal election marginal seats? What are the issues? And will specific groups vote as a bloc?
Peter Paul Rubens, Lot and his family escaping from the doomed city guided by an angel, circa 1615.

Friday essay: The Qur’an, the Bible and homosexuality in Islam

For Muslims generally, as for conservative Christians, homosexual acts are sinful. Christian gays and lesbians have had to work hard for a measure of recognition among fellow-believers; their Muslim counterparts are just beginning that struggle.
The political crisis surrounding the 2012 ousting of Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed led to a return to authoritarian rule. Dying Regime/flickr

Does Islam have a problem with democracy? The case of the Maldives

Democracy did not fail in the Maldives because it clashed with Islam. Instead, a privileged and powerful elite helped topple the elected government, and nations that advocate democratic ideals did little to stop them.
Brussels Airport bombers Brahim and Khalid el-Bakraoui had previously spent time in prison. EPA/Interpol

The new breed of terrorists: criminals first, Islamists second

Apart from having little or no knowledge of religion, the new crop of Islamic State recruits come primed for violence with a different set of skills, honed through criminal activity.
The Crusades evoke a romantic image of medieval knights, chivalry, romance and religious high-mindedness. David Wise/Flickr

Did the Crusades lead to Islamic State?

Representing even the Crusades as wars between Christians and Muslims is a gross oversimplification and a misreading of history.
Islam is a rich and varied religion. EPA/Sanjeev Gupta

Why is Islam so different in different countries?

Since Islam is predicated on law, variations in the interpretation of that law – along with geography and distinct legal schools – have all contributed to differences in the religion.
Saudi Arabia’s execution of 47 people has prompted global protests. Reuters

Saudi executions: business as usual in a post-Arab Spring world

The executions on the weekend are notable for the sheer number of people killed. However, they maintain a policy of political crackdown that was reinvigorated in Saudi Arabia during the Arab Spring.
It’s been a decade since the Cronulla riots, but have the attitudes that fuelled these violent tensions changed in Australian society? Paul Miller/AAP

Ten years on from the Cronulla riots, how much has really changed?

A decade on from the Cronulla Riots, Australia needs to reflect upon the lessons that should be learnt following the riot which divided a nation.
German migration to South Australia provides a useful comparison point on how to comprehend and work with the Muslim community today. State Library of South Australia

The German migrant story holds lessons for Australia’s Muslim community today

The story of German migration to South Australia can highlight the experience of diverse communities, and what can happen to them in a time of serious conflict.

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