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Artículos sobre Jill Meagher

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CCTV footage is often seen to be decisive – an authoritative and objective witness that can tell us ‘what really happened’. AAP/Joe Castro

Does CCTV footage help or hinder the reduction of violence against women?

While potentially helpful in resolving extraordinary cases, an over-reliance on CCTV images to tell ‘the truth’ risks perpetuating certain myths regarding violence against women.
The release of CCTV footage of Melbourne woman Jill Meagher’s last moments via social media channels assisted in apprehending her killer. AAP

Social media and crime: the good, the bad and the ugly

Like many other advancements in communication technology, social media has a good, a bad and an ugly side when it comes to its relationship with crime, criminal justice and the law.
Research has shown that when sex work is illegal, street sex workers who are victims of sexual assault are reluctant to report it to police. shutterstock

Victorian rape law needs reform to protect sex workers

There is a non-binding precedent in Victoria that allows judges to consider the victim’s sexual experience when passing sentence on a sex offender – but only when the “victim is a prostitute”.
The murder of Melbourne woman Jill Meagher sparked much social media comment, some of which threatened to compromise the criminal trial of the accused. AAP/Facebook

Trial by social media: why we need to properly educate juries

This week, the Standing Council on Law and Justice (which constitutes the attorneys-general of the Commonwealth, states and territories) published a report on the impact of social media on juries. The…

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