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Artículos sobre Julia Gillard

Mostrando 201 - 220 de 275 artículos

The pressure continues to intensify on embattled MP Craig Thomson. AAP/Lukas Coch

FWA urges civil suit against Thomson: experts respond

Fair Work Australia (FWA) has recommended civil court action be taken against MP and former Health Services Union (HSU) national secretary Craig Thomson. The regulator says the union committed 105 breaches…
Gillard shines when she is closer to voters, such as at this week’s community cabinet in Paramatta. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Community cabinets could be the cure for Gillard’s communication conundrum

By all accounts, in person Prime Minister Julia Gillard is relaxed, funny, engaging and a good listener. Her ministers say she is tough, masters briefs well, leads, and takes decisions. On top of that…
Julia Gillard and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak at last week’s nuclear summit in Seoul. AAP/EPA

Julia Gillard is getting it wrong on Asia

Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s recent performance in South Korea highlights once again the dangers of not taking Asia seriously. At a speech at a university, Gillard apparently stuck directly to script…
Gillard will try to distance herself from Queensland Labor, but it will be a tough sell. AAP/Alan Porritt

After Queensland: the ALP will struggle to recover in Canberra

A notable feature of the Queensland election outcome was, as in New South Wales last year, opinion polls correctly predicted the outcome. In both cases, some observers found it hard to credit that Labor…
Julia Gillard’s recent leadership battle provides a lesson for all executive women. AAP

How the gender balance increases the company bottom line

Today is the 101st anniversary of International Women’s Day, a day celebrated around the world to mark the legal, political, social and economic achievements of women. The change in corporate governance…
“I am a natural senator”: Bob Carr at today’s cabinet reshuffle in Canberra. AAP/Alan Porritt

Bob Carr takes foreign affairs in Gillard cabinet reshuffle

The former NSW premier Bob Carr will join the Senate as Foreign Affairs Minister following a surprise announcement by the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, as part of her cabinet reshuffle. The appointment…
The new foreign minister must understand Australia’s place on the world stage. AAP/Tony McDonough

Replacing Rudd: what to look for in a new Australian foreign minister

Australia’s foreign minister portfolio has been left vacant and the discussion on who will replace Kevin Rudd is now underway. Whatever his flaws as a prime minister, Rudd was perceived, on a certain level…
“Business as usual” isn’t an option for Prime Minister Julia Gillard if she wants to look like a leader. AAP

How Gillard should think the unthinkable and look like a leader

Now that the party’s votes are in, Prime Minister Julia Gillard has to make up ground with the voters. The polls are indicating the Labor Government is in deep trouble. Kevin Rudd was nothing if not analytical…
Gillard had a strong performance after yesterday’s leadership ballot, but there’s still a long way to go. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

Cautious optimism for Gillard on one of Canberra’s strangest days

One of Julia Gillard’s better days in Australian politics was nonetheless brought to an unusual end yesterday with the resignation of Mark Arbib. The former right faction leader, who most recently served…
Julia Gillard claimed a definitive victory this morning: now the hard work begins. AAP

Gillard vs Rudd: the best of The Conversation’s coverage

From Kevin Rudd’s surprise resignation last week to this morning’s galvanising ballot, The Conversation has kept you up-to-date with analysis from Australia’s foremost academic political analysts. Just…
Gillard had strong support from caucus this morning. AAP/Alan Porritt

Julia Gillard wins ALP leadership spill: expert reaction

Prime minister Julia Gillard has defeated Kevin Rudd in this morning’s leadership ballot by 71 votes to 31. Rudd has said he will not initiate a further challenge to the prime minister’s leadership, but…
The process Labor uses to remove and replace parliamentary leaders contains some surprises. AAP/John Pryke

Labor leadership spill: the rules of the game

At 10am today, the Labor caucus will meet to settle the leadership battle between Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd. But how does the leadership selection process actually work? While the contest between Gillard…

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