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Artículos sobre Nicola Sturgeon

Mostrando 121 - 140 de 150 artículos

You can please some of the people some of the time. Andrew Milligan/PA

The double life of Jim Murphy

One of Scottish Labour’s problems is that its most talented politicians prefer to be in Westminster rather than Holyrood. The reverse is true for the Scottish Nationalists. However, there are exceptions…
Miliband faced attacks from the left during the debate. ITV

Sturgeon’s debate success makes life hard for Miliband

Nicola Sturgeon is seen to have done well in the debate between the Magnificent Seven leaders that was screened live to the nation on April 2. That poses a problem for Ed Miliband. His party is now at…
The Trident-class nuclear submarine Vanguard. The Scottish National Party want the weapons system to be scrapped. PA/PA Wire

Fact Check: will renewing Trident cost £100 billion?

Nicola Sturgeon has set out her Scottish National Party’s opposition to renewing Britain’s nuclear deterrent. Will it cost that much?

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