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Artículos sobre Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Mostrando 201 - 220 de 258 artículos

Collective trauma: A boy walks among some of the 3,000 flags placed in memory of the lives lost in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Jim Young/Reuters

How the pain of 9/11 still stays with a generation

Even indirect exposure to the terrorist attacks of September 11 has left profound and deep impact on those too young to remember a world before that.
Residents are rescued in Ascension Parish, Louisiana, August 15, 2016. Jonathan Bachman/Reuters

Kids and disasters: How to help them recover

It’s not uncommon for kids to experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress after a disaster. With thousands of children affected by Hurricane Harvey, how can parents help kids bounce back?
Christian Vinces/

Surfing helps veterans cope with PTSD

Talking therapy for people with post-traumatic stress disorder is one suggestion. A new study finds that surfing may be beneficial too.
Traumatic events can stop the brain storing the context in which they took place.

The possible cause of flashbacks discovered

Brain imaging study shows that we forget the context in which a traumatic event take place which could be crucial to avoiding negative loops.
The French flag flies over flowers, candles and messages in tribute to victims outside the Le Carillon restaurant a week after a series of deadly attacks in Paris, France last November. Charles Platiau/Reuters

When fear is a weapon: how terror attacks influence mental health

It is probably not a surprise that a terror attack can have a major impact on people’s mental health. But what sort of effects are common, and how long do they last?
Treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder requires conditions better than refugees in Germany are experiencing. Reuterspics

Refugees’ suffering can’t be eased in their current conditions

The experience and situation of many of the refugees precludes successful treatment of PTSD due to the nature of the disorder and what it requires to ease.
Repeated trauma in childhood appears to change children’s enduring hormonal function and their subsequent brain development. sakhorn/Shutterstock

Here’s another reason kids don’t belong in detention: trauma changes growing brains

A bill that would release the 112 children currently in immigration detention in Australia will soon go before the House of Representatives. So what should MPs consider when casting their votes?
A child from a special care centre in Cape Town celebrating international kite day. In South Africa mental health services are not a priority. Epa/Nic Bothma

South Africa isn’t managing mental illness, particularly for the poor

While the global health community has made mental healthcare a priority, South Africa is not following suite. The impact is felt most acutely by poor people suffering from mental health disorders.

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