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Artículos sobre Presidential debates

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Presidential candidates Joko Widodo (second left) and Prabowo Subianto (second right) greet each other at the debate among candidates in Jakarta, Indonesia, 17 January 2019. Adi Weda/EPA

Both Indonesia’s presidential candidates – Jokowi and Prabowo – fail to show commitment to eradicate corruption in latest debate

No concrete measures to eradicate corruption were offered by the two candidates – Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and Prabowo Subianto – in the latest presidential debate.
Presidential candidate Joko “Jokowi” Widodo (left) shakes hand with Presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto during a debate among candidates in Jakarta, Indonesia, 17 January 2019. Adi Weda/EPA

Either Jokowi or Prabowo, Indonesia’s future in human rights enforcement remains bleak

Joko “Jokowi” Widodo may claim that he is not a human rights offender like his rival, Prabowo Subianto, but his track record during his tenure may indicate otherwise.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump sparred over the direction of the Supreme Court, immigration, the economy, and fitness to lead. Reuters

Clinton and Trump meet in final presidential debate: experts respond

The Conversation’s experts respond to the third and final US presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks during the October 9 presidential town hall debate. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

Donald Trump and the dangerous rhetoric of portraying people as objects

An expert in political rhetoric singles out Trump’s repeated use of reification – the tendency to treat people as things – and the role it’s played in his tortured response to the leaked tape.
Protesters wearing masks of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump march in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dominick Reuter/Reuters

Are U.S. politics beyond a joke?

From Alfonso the Wise’s bawdy songs of slander to Ronald Reagan’s sunny smile, politics and humor have gone hand-in-hand for centuries. But no one seems to be laughing anymore.
Donald Trump answers a question from CNN moderator Wolf Blitzer. Mike Blake/Reuters

Why presidential debates need real-time fact-checking

With the presidential debates being derided as evidence we live in a “post-fact” political world, why aren’t the moderators “truth vigilantes”?
As much as we like to think that we vote on substance – not style – studies have shown that physical appearance matters to voters. Carlo Allegri/Reuters

Welcome to Politics4K

While much of the 2014 midterm election analysis centered on the Republican takeover of the Senate, the pundits may have overlooked an important development: the end of a time when politicians looked a…

Voters take candidates on face value

In modern politics, a candidate’s image is everything, linguistic anthropologists researching US presidential campaigns have…
Mitt Romney and Barack Obama face off in the third and final debate on foreign policy. EPA/Jim Lo Scalzo

Round three to Obama – now it’s a race to November 6

In the heavyweight clash of the presidential candidates, round three went to President Barack Obama on points – not by knockout. This means the incumbent won two out of the three match-ups. Interestingly…

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