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Artículos sobre Senses

Mostrando 61 - 80 de 86 artículos

The smell of daffodils is a treat for most people, but some cannot experience the joy because they have lost their sense of smell. Mila Supinskaya Glashchenko/

Can you pass this smell test?

Our senses of taste and smell are linked to one another in ways that experts are continuing to explore. See if you can answer some questions for which experts have discovered some surprising answers.
Plastic trash on San Francisco’s Ocean Beach. Kevin Krejci

Bait and switch: Anchovies eat plastic because it smells like prey

A new study shows that anchovies – key food for larger fish – are attracted to plastic trash because it smells like food. This suggests that toxic substances in plastic could move up through food chains.
A girl smells an individually crafted scent at Cat Jones’ Scent of Sydney. © Jamie Williams

Scents, sensibility and the smell of a city

What’s the smell you associate with your childhood home? Or road-trips? Or fear? Conceptual artist Cat Jones has created the Scent of Sydney for the Sydney Festival, exploring the city in smells.

Catfish hunts by detecting pH changes

A species of catfish locates its prey by sensing tiny changes in seawater pH. John Caprio from Louisiana State University…
“Give me some skin! No, really.” saikofish

Explainer: what is electronic skin?

Once a topic explored exclusively in science fiction, the notion of restoring sensory feelings to humans and to machines is now approaching reality. Scientists around the world are developing artificial…
Gentle physical contact activates a special type of nerve cell linked to emotion. Jonathan McPherskesen/Flickr

Nerves of endearment: how a gentle touch affects emotions

A soft and tender caress between two people can trigger a flood of emotions, and now we may have some idea why. Research [published in Neuron](…
Body shapes can now be ‘seen’ by congenitally blind people, thanks to special software. ►Milo►/Flickr

Blind people can ‘see’ bodies with sound: study

Congenitally blind people have been taught to perceive body shape and posture through “soundscapes” that translate images into sound, a study published today in Current Biology reports. Vision often dominates…

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