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Artículos sobre Social justice

Mostrando 241 - 260 de 457 artículos

Understakers have had to take special precautions following a spike in COVID-19 related burials. EFE-EPA/Kim Ludbrook

Why human rights should guide responses to the global pandemic

While restrictions on civil and political liberties may be necessary to protect lives, human rights law requires that they go no further than what’s strictly necessary to achieve this goal.
Argentine cartoonist Joaquin Salvador Lavado, who passed away on September 30, also known as “Quino” poses with his comic strip character Mafalda. Alejandro Pagni/AFP

From Mafalda with love: three lessons from the late Quino and his immortal creation

Through his work, the Argentinian cartoonist Joaquin Salvador Lavado Tejon, known to all as Quino, engaged in pointed social critique on a range of topics that are even more relevant today.
Land reform strategies portray the land as uniform, static and independent from its social-environmental context. GettyImages

South Africa’s land reform policies need to embrace social, economic and ecological sustainability

South Africa’s that current land reform strategies focus too narrowly on agricultural outcomes and transferred ownership - this undermines equitable and sustainable land reform.
New research found a significantly higher risk of preterm births near gas flaring in Texas, particularly among Latinas. Spencer Platt/Getty Images

The risk of preterm birth rises near gas flaring, reflecting deep-rooted environmental injustices in rural America

A study shows that low-income communities and communities of color are bearing the brunt of the energy industry’s pollution in the region. The risks also extend to the unborn.

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