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Artículos sobre Social justice

Mostrando 201 - 220 de 457 artículos

Makeshift shops have mushroomed as people try to make ends meet amid South Africa’s excessive unemployment. Hobermunemployment. an Collection/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Stereotypes about young jobless South Africans are wrong: what they’re really up to

Many unemployed young people are engaged in a variety of economic activities. These may not necessarily be recognised as a form of self employment or informal employment.
Many black South Africans live in appalling conditions with no running water or electricity 27 years into democracy. Anders Pettersson/Getty Images

South Africa needs new thinking for its democracy to work for all

The new governing elite mistakenly believes that the goal of a democratic South Africa is simply to extend to everyone what whites enjoyed under apartheid.
A woman sweeps outside her shack in Khayelitsha, Cape Town. South Africa is among the most unequal societies in the world. Getty Images

Book calls for a rethink of capitalism amid the ravages of COVID-19

Rethinking capitalism requires that the primary focus should be on the distribution of economic power as the potential leading causal factor driving inequality.
Although we would like to think there is a big difference between racialized curiosity and physical violence, there is not. Rather, it is a spectrum of violence that hinges on the very assumptions behind a seemingly innocent question. (Shutterstock)

History of Asian activism tells us to share the burden of responsibility in fighting racism

To remove the burden of responsibility, everyone must take over some of the work that diverse communities have been doing to combat prejudice and fear for decades.
People displaced by the atacks on the town of Palma, northern Mozambique, flee to safety with meagre possessions. Alfredo Zuniga / AFP via Getty Images

Offshore gas finds offered major promise for Mozambique: what went wrong

The conflict has put a temporary lid on plans that have been in the making for more than a decade since rich liquefied natural gas reserves were discovered in the Rovuma Basin.
A demonstration in Red Square (since renamed Freedom Square) in the Johannesburg suburb of Fordsburg, South Africa, 6th April 1952. Photo by Jurgen Schadeberg/Getty Images

Book sheds light on apartheid South Africa’s hidden massacre

When the Truth and Reconciliation was mandated to investigate human rights violations from March 1960, that left twelve years of apartheid rule unexplored.

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