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Artículos sobre Suicide

Mostrando 281 - 300 de 354 artículos

Suicide is increasing among young people, especially women. from

Suicide isn’t just an older man’s problem

Suicide data for Australia released this week show rates among young people are at the highest they’ve been for over a decade, and now account for around one third of all deaths in those aged 15 to 24.
Parents and students view a memorial marking the one-year anniversary of the shooting that claimed 17 lives at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. Reuters/Joe Skipper

Is suicide contagious?

Learning about a friend’s suicide attempt appears to transform a distant idea into something very real. Should this change the way we talk about suicide?
A sorry end: beached whales in Flinders Bay. Bahnfrend

Do whales attempt suicide?

They are among the most intelligent creatures on the planet, but family ties can lead them into danger
The erection of barriers and nets at public sites with a high incidence of suicide results in far fewer deaths – at the site and nearby locations. Jane Pirkis

Blocking the means of suicide can buy time and lives

Installing barriers and safety nets at public sites with a high incidence of suicide can reduce the number of deaths at these sites by more than 90%.
Feeling content means having a deep-seated, abiding acceptance of oneself and one’s worth, together with a sense of self-fulfilment, meaning and purpose. James Theophane/Flickr

Happiness is an illusion, here’s why you should seek contentment instead

Happiness might seem like a worthy goal but it will invariably be disrupted by unwelcome negative feelings. Far better to seek contentment, which can serve as a foundation for both joy and pleasure.
Bullying and suicide are both significant public health concerns for children and adolescents, and we need to understand the link between the two. Students via

Understanding the link between bullying and suicide

We may assume that people who are bullied are at risk of suicide. But are the youth who engage in bullying behavior at risk of suicide too?
Media can influence our interpretation of suicide clusters. Girl Image via

Can media reporting lead to more suicides?

Media reporting can not only create a perception of suicide clusters on university campuses, but it can affect the suicide rate in subtle ways.

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