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Artículos sobre West Africa

Mostrando 201 - 220 de 295 artículos

Mothers iron their daughters’ breasts as a way of preventing early marriage and keeping their daughters in school for longer. Shutterstock

Breast ironing: a harmful practice that doesn’t get sufficient attention

Close to 4 million teenage girls are subjected to breast ironing worldwide. This harmful cultural practice, which is most prevalent in West and Central Africa, needs to stop.
A woman casts her ballot at a polling station during a runoff presidential election in Bamako, Mali on Aug. 12, 2018. Reuters/Luc Gnago

Competitive elections are good for democracy – just not every democracy

Elections are supposed to hold politicians accountable: Officials who fear losing their seat will work harder for voters. But in some countries, political competition actually makes government worse.
A new short drug treatment for tuberculosis, called BPaMZ, is showing promise in trials. (The National Center for Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (Georgia) on behalf of TB Alliance)

To eliminate TB we need imagination and ambition

We cannot end TB with century-old technologies and poor quality care. It is time to reinvent the way we are managing TB, and overcome our collective failures of the imagination.
A health-care worker wears virus protective gear at a treatment center in Bikoro Democratic Republic of Congo, on May 13, 2018. (AP Photo/John Bompengo)

Stopping Ebola before the virus goes viral

History, and math, tell us that the Ebola virus spreads exponentially quickly. This means Ebola is a global problem and all nations need to rally – to stop the epidemic fast.

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