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Artículos sobre West Africa

Mostrando 61 - 80 de 295 artículos

A man with the Malian National flag joins a demonstration in Bamako after the military junta called for protests against sanctions imposed over delayed elections. Photo by Florent Vergnes/AFP via Getty Images

Why West Africa has had so many coups and how to prevent more

Unimpressive democratic conditions and foreign influence in African countries make recent attempted and successful military takeovers unsurprising.
Olukayode Jaiyeola/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Nigeria’s ‘miracle examination centres’ undermine education: how to stop the rot

Top-down enforcement of rules is not working; it has to be in people’s own interests to behave ethically.
La pratique consistant à blâmer et à stigmatiser les victimes de viol a des conséquences dévastatrices : elle les réduit au silence tout en protégeant les violeurs, et les dissuade d’accéder aux services de santé et de réclamer justice. SIA KAMBOU/AFP via Getty Images

Libérer la parole des victimes, une condition pour rompre avec la banalisation du viol en Côte d'Ivoire

Stigmatiser les victimes de viol est lourd de conséquences. Il les réduit au silence, protège les violeurs, les décourage à se faire consulter et à réclamer justice.
An activist holds a placard reading “my outfit is not an invitation” during a demonstration against the television channel Nouvelle Chaine Ivorienne following a shocking programme on rape. SIA KAMBOU/AFP via Getty Images

Rape culture in Côte d'Ivoire can shift if survivors get support to speak without blame and shame

The practice of blaming and stigmatising rape survivors has devastating consequences. It silences them and protects rapists. It discourages survivors from accessing healthcare and pursuing justice.

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