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Artículos sobre Wetlands

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 132 artículos

Beavers dramatically change a landscape by building dams that create ponds of still water. Jerzy Strzelecki/Wikimedia Commons

Beavers and oysters are helping restore lost ecosystems with their engineering skills – podcast

Restoring entire ecosystems is a difficult and expensive process. Thankfully, certain species, called ecosystem engineers, can make restoration easier. Gaining social and political support is critical too.
A raccoon with a fish at the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary in Naples, Fla. Michael Siluk/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

What is a wetland? An ecologist explains

The US Supreme Court opens its 2022-2023 term with a case that could greatly reduce federal protection for wetlands. Here is what makes these ecosystems valuable.
Wetlands like this one in California’s Morro Bay Estuary shelter fish, animals and plants and help control flooding. Citizen of the Planet/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Which wetlands should receive federal protection? The Supreme Court revisits a question it has struggled in the past to answer

The Supreme Court opens its 2022-2023 session with a high-profile case that has major implications for both wildlife and landowners.
The round goby is an invasive fish that has become established in the St. Lawrence River over the past two decades, following its introduction into the Great Lakes. (Cristina Charette)

St. Lawrence River zones that are hostile to invasive species can be refuges for native fish

Wetlands can help limit the spread of the voracious round goby, an invasive species that has infiltrated the Great Lakes and has become widespread in the St. Lawrence River.
Pickup trucks creep through flood waters in Richland, Miss., following a morning of torrential rains in August 2022. AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis

What is a flash flood? A civil engineer explains

Flash flooding can happen in both urban and rural areas, with deadly results in either setting.
The population of western chorus frogs has been declining over the past 60 years and continues to be an issue across Canada. (Shutterstock)

Finding their song: Reviving the declining western chorus frog population is now critical

Habitat protection and restoration, advanced reproductive technologies and reintroduction procedures could help slow the decline of western chorus frogs and other amphibians.
An abandoned forest road that has become impassable due to the washout of the culvert fill. The beaver dam has also contributed to road erosion. (Forest Hydrology Laboratory of Université Laval)

How Québec’s abandoned logging roads are damaging lakes, rivers and streams — and putting wildlife at risk

By mismanaging its forestry road system, Québec and the forestry companies operating in public forests have made significant savings, to the detriment of protecting aquatic environments.

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