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Artículos sobre Xi Jinping

Mostrando 201 - 220 de 361 artículos

US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping are set to meet again at the G20 in Buenos Aires, at a pivotal moment in world economic history. AAP/EPA/Roman Pilipey

Much at stake as Donald Trump and Xi Jinping meet at G20

At a time when the rules-based trading system is being shredded and the Paris Agreement risks unravelling, it is vital that the G20 meeting between the two superpowers is a constructive one.
After a positive start, Morrison’s relations with his Indonesian counterpart, Joko Widodo, cooled off after he suggested moving the Australian embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Lukas Coch/AAP

In his first major foreign policy test, Morrison needs to stick to the script

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has a busy summit season ahead of him. After early foreign policy stumbles, it’s important he reads his briefs, listens to the diplomats and stays humble.
Chinese stamps commemorating Deng Xiaoping, a leader widely regarded to have modernised the country and made it a formidable economic power, 1998. Shutterstock

World politics explainer: Deng Xiaoping’s rise to power

China is one of the world’s largest economies, and Deng Xiaoping was arguably the man who made that happen through his visions of economic reform.
If the trade war with China escalates, siding with the US is going to cost, but Australia’s long-term national interests still lie with it. Shutterstock

Trump versus China means picking sides

There can be no middle road in the trade war between China and the United States. Soon we will have to pick sides.
China’s aspirations of global dominance will hit a snag given the world’s other major powers identify democratic values as central to their national identies. Only China and Russia do not. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing in June 2018. (AP Photo/Dake Kang)

The prospects for Chinese leadership in an age of upheaval

New research suggests the values and identities of the world’s great powers present a major barrier to China’s aspirations of global domination. Do not bet on China’s hegemonic prospects just yet.

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