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Articles on Conservation

Displaying 781 - 800 of 1238 articles

Many bitcoins equals a heavy environmental burden. Flickr

The bitcoin and blockchain: energy hogs

The digital world is taking more and more space in our lives… and dramatically increasing electrical use. It’s a serious problem given the urgent need fight climate change.
The Pinocchio anole lizard (Anolis probiscis) was first described in Ecuador in 1953, then believed to have become extinct until it was rediscovered in 2005. Javier Abalos Alvarez/Flickr

Will optimistic stories get people to care about nature?

‘Doom and gloom’ messages about nature are less effective than positive ones. The Lost & Found project tells the stories of creatures thought long gone but eventually rediscovered.
Helicopters hover over Bondi Beach after spotting a shark. AAP Image/NEWZULU/TOM CASKA

How drones can help fight the war on shark attacks

LIfeguards could potentially have a new ally in the fight to reduce shark incidents: drones that can spot when a shark swims nearby, and automatically alert authorities.
The Simien mountains in Ethiopia are one of the world’s most threatened natural heritage sites. Simien mountains image from

More than half the world’s most important natural sites are under threat: it’s time to protect them

You’d hope we wouldn’t flatten the pyramids to build a highway. But that’s exactly what’s happening to the world’s natural heritage sites.

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