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Articles on Elderly

Displaying 161 - 174 of 174 articles

It’s naive to assume neighbourhoods mean communities. RobertHuffstutter

Neighbourhood ‘care’ headed to graveyard of good intention

Neighbourhood watch groups should apply for care status and provide help for older people to counter Britain’s “uncivilised” attitude to pensioners. As well as looking out for potential burglars and keeping…
There is no legislation in place that specifically addresses elder abuse with family or carer circles. EPA/Diego Azubel

The mistreatment of older people: is it time to legislate against abuse?

The tragic case of 88 year-old Cynthia Thoresen recently made headlines in Queensland. Mrs Thoresen’s sad decline and the extent of her injuries have been comprehensively documented. Despite shocking neglect…

Retirement can be bad for your health

Retirement can be detrimental to both mental and physical health, according to researchers at the Institute of Economic Affairs…
Increasing workforce participation of women and older people could increase Australia’s GDP by $50 billion. AAP

How can Australian governments change the game for economic growth?

If Australian governments are serious about raising rates of economic growth, they must reform the tax mix and increase the workforce participation rates of women and older people. Each of these reforms…
Taboos in porn can be shocking, but they can also be very revealing about our sexual apetites. Flickr/billypalooza

Old sex, fat sex and the popularity of porn taboos

Fat people having sex, ugly people having sex, old people having sex. All too readily our culture cringes, shudders, if not gags at the thought. After all, if film and television have taught us anything…
The Productivity Commission makes a number of recommendations about how we can best care for the eldderly. AZAdam

Caring for elderly Australians report: experts respond

The Productivity Commission has released the Caring for Older Australian report. Experts respond. Rhonda Nay, Professor of Interdisciplinary Aged Care at La Trobe University gives a general response to…
Technology that predicts the chances of a fall will help elderly people take action to prevent it, researchers say. Flickr/sheilaz413

New tech to predict risk elderly will fall

A new wearable device that predicts which people are more at risk of falls could help prolong the number of years elderly people can spend living independently at home. A third of over-65s take a tumble…

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