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Articles on Sub-Saharan Africa

Displaying 161 - 168 of 168 articles

Where is education going for South Africa’s ‘Born Frees’? teachandlearn

South African education still fails many 20 years after apartheid

Since the dawn of democracy in South Africa 20 years ago, pass rates in the country’s end-of-school exam – commonly known as the matric – have been steadily on the rise, despite indications that the schooling…
Women march on Abuja demanding the rescue of 200 schoolgirls. Deji Yake/EPA

Teaching under siege in Nigeria gripped by fear of Boko Haram

The world is waking up to Boko Haram. More than 200 schoolgirls kidnapped from the classes last month remain missing. A car bomb in Abuja on May 1 killed at least 19 people. I live in fear of Boko Haram…
Adding up the costs of a free education. Greg Westfall

Free education in Kenya is a failed promise

During the run up to Kenya’s 2002 general elections, presidential candidate Mwai Kibaki promised to make primary education free for all Kenyans. True to his word, when his coalition won the election and…
Peacekeeping in South Sudan means grappling with deep ethnic divisions. Ben Curtis/AP

Militarised politics is the norm in troubled South Sudan

Against a backdrop of continuing ethnic violence, delegations from South Sudan’s warring factions have arrived in Ethiopia to try to negotiate a settlement to the crisis that has riven Africa’s newest…
A couple of these and a nice chianti. Severin Tchibozo

Insects are key for food security in a growing world

Protein is a shrinking part of the diets of humans and animals. The deficiency is spreading rapidly across the world, but is particularly pronounced in Africa, even though many sources of protein can be…
A long wait: Lonmin miners - involved in a bloody clash with police with killed 34 people - are arguing for a greater share of wealth that has steadily flowed into foreign economies, most recently China. AAP

China and the shadow of colonialism still looming over Africa

Graphic pictures of South African police firing at striking black workers protesting for a living wage at the Lonmin platinum mine last week is a tragic reminder of Africa’s neo-colonial past, that never…

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