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Insularitas akademis berarti dosen-dosen ilmu sosial cenderung tertutup, hanya melakukan riset di disiplinnya saja, dan tidak mahir mengkomunikasikan risetnya ke publik. Shutterstock

Insularitas akademis membuat Indonesia tertatih dalam dunia riset sosial

Peneliti sosial Indonesia tertinggal dalam hal riset yang bisa membantu menjelaskan gejala di masyarakat. Peneliti yang berhadapan dengan mekanisme pasar menjadi salah satu penyebab.
Going home after a total knee replacement and having regular physiotherapy means you recover just as fast as if you’d chosen to stay in hospital for your rehab. And it’s cheaper. from

Most private patients are wasting money on costly rehab after major knee surgery

Private patients who stay in hospital for costly rehab after major knee surgery recover just as fast as people who go home and have physiotherapy. So, why pay more?
A drain carries water but does little else, but imagine how different the neighbourhood would be if the drain could be transformed into a living stream. Zoe Myers

More than just drains: recreating living streams through the suburbs

Drains take up precious but inaccessible open space in our cities. Converting these to living streams running through the suburbs could make for healthier places in multiple ways.
Ok, which one of you is trying to get attention? I can hear it in your voice. karavai/shutterstock

When girls are in the audience, choir boys sing for attention

Did we evolve the capacity to produce sublime music simply to get more sex? Or are we driven by higher ideals related to living together in harmony? Maybe it’s a bit of both.
Beyoncé in the music video for Sorry, from Lemonade. Screenshot from Youtube

My favourite album: readers’ choice

From The Smiths to Kendrick Lamar, Conversation readers tell us their favourite albums.