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Bill Shorten has expanded his shadow ministry to keep a place for Kim Carr. AAP/David Crosling

Shorten provides Kim Carr with life raft

Bill Shorten has found a way to keep Kim Carr in Labor’s shadow ministry by expanding his frontbench – to the fury of the left, which had withdrawn support for the Victorian senator.
A new mathematical model has predicted Zika will soon stop spreading due to mass immunity. Martial Trezzini/EPA/AAP

Is the end of Zika nigh? How populations develop immunity

During a disease outbreak, lots of people can become infected in a short time and develop immunity, making it hard for the pathogen to spread.
There are calls for Australia to focus on early intervention strategies to steer young people away from the path to radicalisation in the wake of events like the Nice attack. Reuters/Eric Gaillard

Calls for deradicalisation programs after Nice attack should be met with caution

The UK’s experience with its Prevent strategy over nearly a decade urges caution in how Australia should approach its own efforts to counter the threat of radicalisation.
How has working life changed? Shutterstock

A snapshot of Australia by income, gender and work

Wages are stagnating and women have not benefited nearly as much as men from earlier wage increases. And what if small business isn’t the powerhouse we’ve been led to believe? What recent HILDA data has to tell us about gender, income and work.
This approach will help concentrate efforts on evidence and value rather than ideologically based, slash-and-burn approaches. AAP Image/Fairfax Media Pool/Andrew Meares

Five tips to get the government started on real health reform

The government must do more to deliver a 21st-century health system – not just to improve its standing with voters but to meet the health needs of all Australians.
The Temple of Apollo at Delphi, where the wisdom of the oracle was dispensed. Janet Lackey/flickr

Friday essay: secrets of the Delphic Oracle and how it speaks to us today

Cicero asked: ‘how to become famous?’ Nero sought to know the timing of his death. The Oracle at Delphi offered pronouncements on all manner of topics - yet as with Google today, the question posed was as important as the answer.
The Western Distributor project announced by the Andrews government will benefit Melbourne’s suburban residents in the west and north, but inner-city elites are mobilising against it. AAP/Melissa Meehan

Inner-city bias: the suburbs need a fair go

It’s a project that creates benefits for Melbourne’s western suburbs and the state as a whole. But the inner-city elite don’t like it and recent experience suggests their opinion holds sway.