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Response from Tamara Galloway

The Conversation is factchecking an assertion by Dave West from environmental group Boomerang Alliance that if you’ve got an average seafood diet in Australia today, you’re probably ingesting about 11,000…
We are in danger of returning to a stage where young people from poorer backgrounds have no hope of attending an elite university. from

How universities make inequality worse

Universities must redress, not reinforce, disadvantage by ensuring more students from lower socio-economic backgrounds have the chance to benefit form them.
Map of the Sykes–Picot Agreement showing Eastern Turkey in Asia, Syria and Western Persia, and areas of control and influence agreed between the British and the French in May 1916. Royal Geographical Society via Wikimedia Commons

The post-colonial caliphate: Islamic State and the memory of Sykes-Picot

The leaders of Islamic State do not see their caliphate as an exercise in theocracy for its own sake, but as an attempt at post-colonial emancipation.
Missy Higgins is aiming for the heart with her protest song Oh Canada. AAP Image/Dan Himbrechts

Missy Higgins, Tim Minchin and the new political pop song

A short tour of Australia’s protest song history shows that protest music didn’t so much disappear as morph from the mainstream. In other words, it’s still very much with us.
Defence diplomacy will not substantially transform the overall picture of Asia’s ongoing political cleavages. AAP

The 2016 white paper must get it right on defence diplomacy

The coming defence white paper presents an opening for the Turnbull government to place its stamp on national security priorities and to align planning and policy settings with its strategic vision.

Infographic: how fast is the NBN?

How fast is the NBN in its current form? Is it really that much faster than ADSL? And, crucially, how long will it take to download an episode of Parks and Recreation? You’ll find the answers here.
We’d all like to have a different, or at least improved, body. But why do we want the body we want? Mike/Flickr

Your ‘ideal’ body, and why you want it

A 2011 British survey found 12% of women would give up two to ten years of their lives just to be their ideal weight. So what makes an ideal body, and why do we want one so badly?