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Articles on Africa

Displaying 341 - 360 of 1004 articles

In some African countries, lion trophy hunting is legal. Riaan van den Berg

Recreational hunting, conservation and livelihoods: no clear evidence trail

Debates centred on the role of recreational hunting in supporting nature conservation and local people’s livelihoods are among the most polarising in conservation today.
Activists highlight some of the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals in Lima, Peru (February 20, 2017). Marco Carrasco/Wikipedia

A new intelligence paradigm: how the emerging use of technology can achieve sustainable development (if done responsibly)

A new report from the GovLab and the French Development Agency (AFD) examines how development practitioners are experimenting with emerging forms of technology to advance development goals.
Can Joe Biden restore U.S. world leadership? Agela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images

Biden faces the world: 5 foreign policy experts explain US priorities – and problems – after Trump

Biden wants to restore US global leadership after four years of Trump’s isolationism and antagonism. These are some of the challenges and opportunities he’ll face, from China to Latin America.
European Council President Charles Michel takes part in a video conference with G5 Sahel leaders and United Nations representatives at the European Council headquarters in Brussels, on November 30, 2020. Francisco Seco/Pool/AFP

Unpacking governance within the EU’s Sahel strategy

The EU has already poured billions of euros into its assistance programs for the Sahel countries. The fundamental principles of this aid need to be rethought if it is to be truly effective.
AirBNB IPO share price as at December 10, 2020.

Airbnb going public is a maverick move

Airbnb is taking a very bold step by issuing a multi billion dollar IPO during a global economic slowdown – something that was unthinkable a few years ago.
Australia’s dingo fences, built to protect livestock from wild dogs, stretch for thousands of kilometers. Marian Deschain/Wikimedia

Fences have big effects on land and wildlife around the world that are rarely measured

Millions of miles of fences crisscross the Earth’s surface. They divide ecosystems and affect wild species in ways that often are harmful, but are virtually unstudied.

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